[[clean-list] Clean's answer to the Functional Achilles-heel (fwd)]

Olivier Lefevre olefevre@usa.net
28 Dec 2001 05:42:34 EST

> I tried (so far, just once) to teach the Object IO library to a 3rd
> year class.  These students had been brought up on Java and very
> little else.  One of them said, when asked, that the OIO style 
> led to shorter code than the equivalent Java.  This must be good.

Don't rejoyce too quickly: the way the old Java I/O libraries (i.e.,
java.io.*) are written (using the so-called Decorator pattern) leads
to horribly verbose code. Almost anything else will be more concise.
I have not tried the new ones (java.nio.*) yet, though.

-- O.L.