[clean-list] Clean Replacement for IDL

David McClain barabh@qwest.net
Thu, 15 Nov 2001 09:50:10 -0700

Hi all,

Been lurking on this newsthread for quite some time. I saw Siegfried's
posting pleading for a replacement in Clean for the IDL language. I got so
fed up with IDL myself about 2 years ago that I wrote this in OCaml... I
would be interested in porting/improving with Clean:


My background is astrophysics, theoretical and observational infrared, but I
also have 30 years of computing experience, especially implementing
compilers, real-time operating systems, and scientific data acquisition and
data analysis systems. (... yes I got started many years ago with Forth...)
But I have taken the trouble to educate myself in computer languages, got
some post-graduate CS training, and have fallen in love with FPL's.  (I
still love Lisp/CLOS/MOP too! -- the ultimate modeling clay language?)

I would be interested in participating in an effort to develop something
similar to NML in Clean. I have heard many good things about Clean, but I
have only a few days total experience with it myself.

NML is currently aimed at image processing for space based missions, and we
do tons of 2-D FFT processing on large images. We utilize the Intel Math
Kernel Library 1-D FFT's wrapped in a multithreaded DLL that performs
parallelized 2-D FFT's. On my lowly 350 MHz PII with Win/NT 4.0 I get
approximately 18 MButterflys/sec from NML (1024x1024 2-D complex FFT in
about 1.1 sec.) On our quad Xeon at work we get closer to 200

So, any takers?

- DM