[clean-list] 2 dimensional FFT code

Siegfried Gonzi siegfried.gonzi@kfunigraz.ac.at
Thu, 08 Nov 2001 10:53:58 +0100

Enclosed a code for the two dimensional FFT (the one dimensional FFT is also posted again).


This is strange. The following is valid for a 450MHz Pentium III machine with 128MB RAM.

A 1024x1240 2-dimensional FFT takes in the best cases 4sec. The problem is that the output results (the DOS window) are always slightly higher than the timing results (maybe the timing-profile overhead is taken into

Yorick takes for a 1024x1204 complex transform 2sec. The Yorick times are *always* constant! With Clean it can happen that the program runs 10sec, or often 5sec; but 4sec are the best results.

The Yorick code itself is not very fast (compared to IDL or Matlab); okay IDL is very expensive I wouldn't be surprised that they have implemented a highly tuned one or even an assembler-version.

The Clean version could be 30% or even more faster, but due to the insane array types this will not happen. After the first transform I have to transpose the array (in order to access the columns effectively):

 TransposeFFT:: !Int !*{#*{#Real}} -> !*{#*{#Real}}

For transposing I have to pass (or better: Clean expects) at least the innermost dimension as strict. BUT the first transform (before transposing in place):

 fft_rows:: !Int !Int !Int !*{#{#Real}} !Real  -> !*{#*{#Real}}

delivers the array ONLY in that format: !*{#*{#Real}}

when I use as exit strategy (in fft_rows):

  | i == ( sizeA ) = { { el \\ el <-: array.[ij] } \\ ij <- [0..(dec sizeA )] }

BUT I WANT to use:

| i == (sizeA ) = array

NO, this is not allowed, because the compiler then puts back only an array of the following shape:


because this array format will be passsed to fft_rows and Clean is not willing to coarce this type to:


but this type is used in the transpose function.

I tried to work-around the problem, but IT IS IMPOSSIBLE.

And this costs Clean 30% and even more.

S. Gonzi
module fft_save
import StdEnv

//The program comes with no warranty!
//The one dimensional FFT is based on the Numerical Recipes
// one. To call a one dimensional FFT, you have to pass
// a complex array, where the first value
//holds the real part, the second value the imaginary part
//the third the real, and so forth.
//e.g. Start= FFT1d 8 (BitRev 4 {0.0,1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,6.0,7.0}) 1.0
//will transform a complex array of the the following shape:
// {0.0+1.0i,2.0+3.0i,4.0+5.0i,6.0+7.0i}
//the dimension here is 8 (and not 4)
//1.0 is the sign for the forward 1.0 or backward (-1.0) transform
// Before you pass the array to FFT1d you have to make the bit-reversing
//part: BitRev 8 array
//where 8 denotes still the dimension
// THE results are not scaled for N; if you nedd absolute values you may
//have the pleasure to do it yourself and divide the output by the dimension
//(C) Siegfied Gonzi 2001
FFT1d::  !Int  !*{#Real} !Real  -> !*{#Real}
FFT1d n marray isign = LOOP1 2  marray
  LOOP1:: !Int  !*{#Real} -> !*{#Real}
  LOOP1 mmax  marray
    | mmax>=n = marray
    = LOOP1 ( mmax*2 )  ( LOOP2 1 marray 1.0 0.0 )
    istep = mmax*2
    theta = isign*( 6.2831853071959 / toReal( mmax ) )
    wtemp = sin(0.5*theta)
    wpr = ( -2.0 )*wtemp*wtemp
    wpi = sin( theta )
    LOOP2:: !Int !*{#Real} !Real !Real -> !*{#Real}
    LOOP2  m marray  wr wi
      | m>=( mmax ) = marray
      #! wtemp = wr
      = LOOP2  ( m+2 ) ( LOOP3 m marray ) ( wr+wtemp*wpr-wi*wpi ) ( wi+wi*wpr+wtemp*wpi )
      LOOP3:: !Int !*{#Real} -> !*{#Real}
      LOOP3 i marray
        | i>=n = marray
          #! xi = marray.[i-1]
          #! yi = marray.[i]
          #! xj = marray.[i-1+mmax]
          #! yj = marray.[i+mmax]
          #! tempr = wr*xj - wi*yj
          #! tempi = wr*yj + wi*xj
          = LOOP3 ( i+istep )  { marray &
                  [i-1+mmax] = ( xi - tempr ),
                              [i+mmax] = ( yi - tempi ),
                              [i-1] = ( xi + tempr ),
                               [i] = ( yi + tempi )

//The bit reversing part
//The first number denotes the dimension (imaginary
// and real)!
//This program has to be used before the FFT1d
BitRev::  !Int !*{#Real} -> !*{#Real}
BitRev n marray = BitShuffling 0 0 marray
  BitShuffling:: !Int !Int !*{#Real} -> !*{#Real}
  BitShuffling i j marray
   | i>=( n-1 ) = marray
   | j>i
     #! xj = marray.[j]
     #! xi =marray.[i]
     #! yi = marray.[i+1]
     #! yj = marray.[j+1]
     = BitShuffling ( i+2 ) ( m1 )   { marray & [i] = xj, [j] = xi, [j+1] = yi, [i+1] = yj }
   | otherwise = BitShuffling ( i+2 ) ( m1 )   marray
    m1 = ( LOOP2 ( n/2 ) j )
    LOOP2:: !Int !Int -> !Int
    LOOP2 m j
      | m <2 || j<m  = ( j+m )
      = LOOP2 ( m/2 ) ( j-m )

//The 2-dimensional FFT is not based on any code (it is
//actually a self-creation by Gonzi); but it relies on the FFT1d
//The array to pass has the following shape:
// {{1.0,2.0i,3.0,4.0i...first row with real and complex numbers},
// {1.0,2.0i,3.0,4.0i,...second row with real and complex numbers},
// {last row with real and complex numbers}}
//The output orientatiom is as the input one. In all cases the number of
// columns is *two times* that of rows; because every columns
//holds real *and* imaginary parts. THIS is not checked for! You
//have to take care.
//THE Results are not scaled for the dimension (like Yorick) ;
//if you need it, you can divide the output by the dimension
//(C) Siegfried Gonzi 2001
FFT2d:: !*{#*{#Real}} !Real   -> !*{#{#Real}}
FFT2d marray sign
 #! sizeA = size marray
 #! sizeR = size marray.[0]
 #! marray_row = (  fft_rows 0 sizeA sizeR marray  sign )
 #! trans_array = ( TransposeFFT sizeA marray_row )
 #! marray_col = ( fft_rows 0 sizeA sizeR trans_array sign )
 = ( TransposeFFT sizeA marray_col  )
 fft_rows:: !Int !Int !Int !*{#{#Real}} !Real  -> !*{#*{#Real}}
 fft_rows i sizeA sizeR array sign
  | i == ( sizeA ) = { { el \\ el <-: array.[ij] } \\ ij <- [0..(dec sizeA )] }
  //| i == (sizeA ) = array
  #! row = array.[i]
  #! bitRev = ( BitRev sizeR { el \\ el <-: row } )
  #! fft1d = ( FFT1d sizeR bitRev 1.0 )
  = fft_rows ( inc i  ) sizeA sizeR  { array & [i] = fft1d } sign
 TransposeFFT:: !Int !*{#*{#Real}} -> !*{#*{#Real}}
 TransposeFFT sizeA array  = Transpose_j  0 array
  Transpose_j::  !Int  !*{#*{#Real}}  -> !*{#*{#Real}}
  Transpose_j  i    array
   | i == ( sizeA -1  ) = array
   #! trans_col = ( Transpose_i (inc i) (2*i) i  array  )
   = Transpose_j ( inc i )   trans_col
  Transpose_i:: !Int !Int  !Int !*{#*{#Real}}  -> !*{#*{#Real}}
  Transpose_i i j ij  array
   | i == ( sizeA  ) = array
   #! (a1,array) = array![i,j]
   #! (a2,array) = array![i,(inc j)]
   #! (a3,array) = array![ij,(2*i)]
   #! (a4,array) = array![ij,(2*i+1)]
   #! ar = swapBug a1 a2 ij i array
   = Transpose_i ( inc i ) j ij { ar  &  [i,j] = a3, [i,(inc j)] = a4 }
    swapBug:: !Real !Real !Int !Int !*{#*{#Real}} -> !*{#*{#Real}}
    swapBug val1 val2 jc i array = { array & [jc,(2*i)] = val1, [jc,(2*i+1)] = val2 }

//A complex array of the shape:
// 0.0+1.0i,2.0+3.0i,4.0+5.i,6.0+7.0i
//  0.0+1.0i,2.0+3.0i,4.0+5.i,6.0+7.0
//  0.0+1.0i,2.0+3.0i,4.0+5.i,6.0+7.0
//  0.0+1.0i,2.0+3.0i,4.0+5.i,6.0+7.0
Start =  FFT2d ( MyArray n1 n2 )  ( 1.0 )
 n1 = 8
 n2 = 4
 MyArray:: !Int !Int -> !*{#*{#Real}}
 MyArray n1 n2 = { { toReal(x) \\ x <- [0..(n1-1)] } \\ y <- [0..(n2-1)] }

//Yorick delivers here:
// [[48+64i,-32+0i,-16-16i,0-32i],[0+0i,0+0i,0+0i,0+0i],[0+0i,0+0i,0+0i,0+0i],[0+0i,0+0i,0+0i,0+0i]]

// A complex 1024x1024 array
Start:: Real
Start = TakeOne( FFT2d ( MyArray n1 n2 )  ( -1.0 ) )
 n1 = 2048
 n2 = 1024
 TakeOne:: !{#{#Real}} -> !Real
 TakeOne array = array.[0,0]
 MyArray:: !Int !Int -> !*{#*{#Real}}
 MyArray n1 n2 = { { toReal(x) \\ x <- [0..(n1-1)] } \\ y <- [0..(n2-1)] }