[clean-list] Clean on (Debian) linux
25 Sep 2000 16:17:41 CEST
I noticed Clean is available for Linux, however I'm having some problems
installing it. I downloaded the libc6/glibc2 Linux 1.3.1 tarball, which I
untarred in my home directory.
This tarball has a Makefile, however issuing 'make' only returns the following
error message:
make: read.c:892: read_makefile: Assertion `*p2 != '\0'' failed.
This makefile, at a glance, just seems to put files in their places? When I add
~/clean/bin and ~/clean/exe to my path, and I try to compile a (any) program,
the following error message is produced:
arnout@sirach:~/progs/clean$ clm week38
Compiling week38
Can't execute the clean compiler
After execution of the 'clm'-command, an empty 'Clean System Files'-directory
is created in the current directory.
I use Debian Potato (2.2), kernel 2.2.17, glibc2.1 and libc6.