reading single float binary files

Wed, 2 Aug 2000 09:52:11 -0700 (PDT)

I finally decided to write something in Clean that might be of
help. It is not completely tested but should work with +-Inf, Nan,
+-0, denormalized numbers and regular numbers.


/* The function i32r takes an Int and assumes that it is the
32 bit binary representation of a single float number. It then
converts it to Real and returns it.

i32r :: Int -> Real
i32r n
     | expField == 0   && fraction == 0   = ieee_zero
     | expField == 0                      = ieee_denormalized
     | expField == 255 && fraction == 0   = ieee_infinity
     | expField == 255                    = ieee_nan
     | otherwise                          = ieee_fp
    sign = if ((n bitand 0x80000000) == 0) 1.0 (~1.0)
    expField = (n bitand 0x7f800000) >> 23
    fraction =  n bitand 0x007fffff

    ieee_zero         = sign * 0.0
    ieee_denormalized = sign * toReal fraction * 2.0 ^ ~(23.0+126.0)
    ieee_infinity     = sign * 2.0 ^ 1024.0
    ieee_nan          = sign * 0.0/0.0
    ieee_fp           = sign * (1.0 + toReal fraction * 2.0 ^ ~23.0)
                             * 2.0 ^ toReal (expField - 127)