new CleanIDE 2.0
Valery A.Khamenya
Wed, 3 May 2000 01:12:35 +0400
Hello Martin,
thank you for your hint about linker -h option.
> > I fail to setup the new CleanIDE 2.0 on
> > Win2000.
> Could you mail us (the Clean team) what problems occur ?
(all probleams stated below related to CleanIDE 2.0 published on 4th of
1. even under Administrator abilities I can not remove all the entries from
registry using "remove_from_registry.exe"
2. Usually I use "Update and Run". But sometime my executable module is ill
updated. However, when I delete all the files from "Clean System Files" and
then use "Update and Run" the program become proper compiled.
3. low heap while linking my code
However today I have downloaded new version of CleanIDE and succesfuly
compiled my code.
(all probleams stated below related to CleanIDE 2.0 published on 1st of May)
1. I finished work on current project and I created new project with well
defined main module. Then I use "Update and Run" option. But the CleanIDE
start compiling with modules from previous project.
2.Again switching to new project rise a error like "can't patch Clean System
Files/" while compiling new project. Exit and run CleanIDE well
3.Sometime (sorry but I can't determine exact conditions for this bug and
others) save option does not work for modified text window. I have to close
window then CleanIDE asks me for saving and I confirm saving.
4.For some projects (again not clear why) the "Unable to setup directory
cache: \Clean System Files." warrning reported
(5. All Time/Heap/Stack Profiling as I recall seems to be desabled now)
Valery A.Khamenya