
Peter Achten
Thu, 16 Mar 2000 14:26:45 +0100

At 03:45 PM 3/15/00 +0100, Stephen Moll wrote:
>I have been reading the document entitled "Functional Programming in Clean"
>Draft July 1999.
>The chapter on handling events (Ch 5.3), mentions a predefined function
>called startMDI. However, I have not yet been able to make any of the "Hello
>World" examples work. I get an erro during compilation saying that
>"startMDI" is not defined.
>Am I missing a library here?
>I currently have:
>Clean 1.3.2
>with the following libraries:
>Object IO 1.1
>IO Interface 0.8.1

Dear Stephen,

I'm afraid the "Functional Programming in Clean" textbook is not quite up
to date with the current I/O libraries. It has been written for the Object
IO 1.0.2 version (which is obsolete now). However, most of the text and
program code fragments are valid, but for the actual details you should
rely on the types in the Object IO 1.1 library itself. For instance, the
startMDI function does not exist anymore and has been replaced by

startIO :: !.l !.p !(ProcessInit (PSt .l .p)) ![ProcessAttribute (PSt .l .p)]
			!*World -> *World

I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but we will not have time to bring the
document up to date on a short notice. 

Alternatively, if you're working on a Microsoft Windows platform I
recommend that you use the latest Object I/O 1.2 version. For this library
an up-to-date tutorial is available at:


Peter Achten