John van Groningen
Fri, 5 Mar 1999 13:13:57 +0100
>2. Because Clean is a layout-sensitive language,
> I would like to be able to use the *same* source files on my Unix
> systems (where tabs are by default and for all practical purposes
> immutably set to 8) and on my and my students Mac boxes (where
> tabs are whatever Clean wants them to be, is it 3 or 4?).
So do we. Therefore the Clean compiler always assumes that tabs have the=
same size (4) on all systems. If the tab size would be 8 on unix and 4 on=
the mac and pc, you could get compilation errors when source files are=
moved between those systems. The compiler and IDE also support text files=
with the wrong new line codes for the platform.
> Ok, so on a Unix box it is easy enough to do
> for F in *.?cl ; do
> mv $F $F.BAK
> pr -t -e4 $F.BAK >$F
> done
> but it's even easier if the original developer makes sure there are
> no tabs in the first place so that NOBODY has to do this. I was
> lucky this time, guessing -e4 seems to have worked. But why should
> I have to guess?
Tabs can also be expanded or unexpanded with expand or unexpand.
>For what it's worth, I have suggested to the Clean team before that
>allowing special header comments like
> //charset=3Diso-latin-1 tabs=3D4
>would help a lot.=20
This would cause problems when a source file with tab size 8 is moved to a=
mac or pc, because the editor does not recognize the header comment and=
would show the source file with a different tab size.
Why not tell the editor that the tab size is 4. For example for emacs, start=
.icl and .dcl files with the following line:
// -*- tab-width: 4 -*-
or use:
(setq-default tab-width 8)
in your .emacs file.
Or even better, tell your editor to use tab size 4 for all .icl and .dcl fil=
John van Groningen