Trying to get a NN code going

Pieter Koopman
Fri, 26 Feb 1999 13:13:22 +0100

At 09:24 AM 2/26/99 +0100, Zuurbier, E. - AMSXE wrote:
>>   In SML, I'd just whack in a few print
>> commands and be away laughing.
>You can put in some print commands in Clean too. For instance
>replace any expression x of class toString by (Debug "expr" x) where
>Debug :: !.String !a -> a | toString a
>Debug label a = KStrict file a
>where	file	= fwrites (label+++"="+++toString a+++",") stderr
>KStrict :: !.b .a -> .a
>KStrict b a = a

The Clean system provides functions for this purpose in StdDebug.
Use them with care,

Pieter Koopman