Open Clean Source

Antonio Eduardo Costa Pereira
Fri, 29 Jan 1999 15:01:02 -0200

rinus plasmeijer wrote:
> > 2- It would be necessary to get official support from the two
> > Clean mother institutions (KUN and Hilt).
> I would very much like to support that.
> The integration of computer algebra packages and Clean is a topic we are
> very much interested in (I have a student here who just started to look
> at this topic).

Then, we could start from here. I am badly in need for a computer
system to use in my linguistic research. Therefore, I contacted R.
Malaquias, and convinced him to start up a system in Clean. Right
now, he is working in the structure of the normalizer (the heart of
the system). I would like to know the name 
and e-mail of your student,  because R. Malaquias has almost finished 
a Clean prototype of the normalizer. Tomorrow, he will write 
a document (HTML- ready for posting) explaining 
his design. He asked me to tell you that if your student wants to 
propose a different design (after reading his justifications), 
he is ready to scrap his own code, and follow your student's
If we work fast, I think that we will have a usable system in two
months. Two more months and we will have a working prototype 
of the graphic routines (believe me, the success of Mathematica 
was due to its graphic system). 

As soon as I receive the email address of you student, I will send
him Malaquias' HTML and a prototype (in Clean) of the normalizer.
Thank you for the support.

Eduardo Costa.