Open Clean Source

Tue, 26 Jan 1999 19:52:17

Alex and Eduardo wrote:

[ full bore attack on most extant FPL implementations deleted ]

Wow! That's quite a slamming. Given such a negative assesment of
the field, I understand better your paranoid feelings about Clean :)
But I will note that even you can envision some good coming out of
a source release, namely other implementor borrowing techniques
from Clean and lifting the entire field. Isn't that something we
should wish for?

> Our suggestion is that they choose a small number of
> partners, and perform a transference of technology to them.

And how is that incompatible with a source release?

-- O.L.

> Then, please, don't stop from bringing interesting issues to our
> discussions.

OK, I relented (a bit).

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