I/O example needed
Ana Maria Abrao
Mon, 18 Jan 1999 11:16:02 -0200
> a) reads a file I into a big L list of chars (including newlines)
> (the file is not too big so I do want to put it into a list)
> b) calls a function F to munge L around a bit
> c) writes the munged L out to another file O.
module ListChar
import StdEnv
Munge xs= {toUpper x \\ x <- xs}
Start world
# (ok, file, world)= fopen "test.txt" FReadText world
(contents, file)= freads file 10000
list= [x \\ x <-: contents]
mString= Munge list
(ok, file, world)= fopen "tested.txt" FWriteText world
file= fwrites mString file
(ok, world)= fclose file world
= world
A few comments. There is no reason to convert the string 'contents'
to a list of char. Clean is very efficient when working with
strings, matrices and arrays. Besides this, the language also
has very handy functions to process strings. However, since you
wants a list of chars, it is easy to transform strings to list
of chars. This is done in the line:
list= [x \\ x <-: contents]
Make sure that your Start function returns the modified world
(i.e. the world with the processed file "tested.txt").
If you have any further questions, be free to contact us.
Take a look at our page:
There, we discuss the Clean`s input/output system.