Clean 1.1 for Linux

Emmanuel Hocdet
Sat, 24 Aug 1996 01:37:12 +0100

Greg Baker writes:
 > Has anyone got it to compile?  If I type "make io" I get as far as 
 > "Assembling StdReal" before the assembler complains 
 >   Error:  Alignment not a power of 2
 > on a variety of lines in StdReal (675,818,916,928,977,993).
 > Anyone?
 > Gregory D. Baker         CSIRO Radiophysics 

You must read the README.ELF to install Clean 1.1 on ELF system:

To use Clean 1.1 with ELF distribution of linux (Slakware 3.0.0)
you must:

* install the libaout package

* patch clm with the command:

> cd bin
> ./patch_bin clm ASSEMBLER /usr/i486-linuxaout/bin/as
> ./patch_bin clm CRT /usr/i486-linuxaout/lib/crt0.o

* install Clean (see README)

* and add the option "-sl aout" when you compile with clm,
where aout.lo is:

# aout.lo
# ====
#       Link Options file to link Clean applications
#       with the ELF distribution (Slakware 3.0.0)
#       % clm -sl aout <main module>

# Link option files consist of two parts separated by an
# '=' sign.
# The first section consists of options that are passed on
# to the linker by clm.

-m i386linux                # to link with in a.out format

# The equal sign separates the two sections

To use iolib:

* install gccaout and oldlibs6 package 

* install a.out version of libolgx and libxview in /usr/i486-linuxaout/lib
  (don't forget to run ldconfig)

* edit iolib/xv/Makefile and do the following modification

CC = gcc           


CC = gcc -b i486-linuxaout

* edit iolib/xv/ and add

-m i386linux                # to link with in a.out format
-L/usr/i486-linuxaout/lib   # to find the good directory
#-L/usr/X11/lib                                 # for SlackWare
