random numbers
Manfred Schmidt-Schauss
Tue, 19 Dec 1995 09:39:40 +0100 (MET)
Concerning random numbers and I/O,
I think that there is a way to permit this in a functional language.
It can be done by viewing getting a random nunmber as a
non-deterministic I/O.
There must be some precaution in using this:
Some compiler optimization are no longer allowed: common subexpression
elimination, certain forms of parital evaluation, the generalization to
lambda-lifting using MFE's .
I think there some foundational work is to be done in this direction. Bjoern
Lispers contribution to this mailing list point in this direction.
See for example the informal paper on I/O in Natural Expert in
Proc. Functional Programming Galsgow 1991, Workshops in Computing,
Manfred Schmidt-Schau"s
FB Informatik
Robert-Mayer-Str. 11-15
Postfach 11 19 32
60054 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: 069/798 28597 oder 28213
Fax: 069/798 28213
E-mail: schauss@informatik.uni-frankfurt.de