Markus Mohnen
Tue, 21 Nov 95 11:02:00 +0100
ALP'96: Fifth International Conference on Algebraic and Logic Programming
PLILP'96: Eighth International Symposium on Programming Languages,
Implementations, Logics, and Programs
Aachen (Germany), September 25 -- 27, 1996
Following the previous ALP conferences in Gaussig (1988), Nancy (1990),
Volterra (1992), and Madrid (1994) as well as the previous PLILP meetings in
Orleans (1988), Linkoeping (1990), Passau (1991), Leuven (1992), Tallinn
(1993), Madrid (1994), and Utrecht (1995) the Fifth International Conference
on Algebraic and Logic Programming and the Eighth International Symposium on
Programming Languages, Implementations, Logics, and Programs will be held
concurrently in Aachen (Germany).
ALP aims at strengthening the connections between algebraic techniques and
logic programming. PLILP aims at stimulating research on declarative
programming languages. It seeks to disseminate insights in the relation
between the logics of those languages, implementation techniques and the use
of these languages in constructing real programs. Typical, but not exclusive
topics of interest are:
- - Semantics of algebraic and logic programming
- - Integration of functional and logic programming
- - Term rewriting, narrowing, resolution
- - Constraint logic programming and theorem proving with constraints
- - Concurrent features in algebraic and logic programming languages
- - Higher order features in algebraic and logic programming languages
- - Implementation of declarative concepts
- - Integration of different paradigms
- - Compiler specification and construction
- - Program analysis and transformation
- - Programming environments
- - Executable specifications
- - Reasoning about language constructs
- - Experiences in constructing applications
- - Typing and structuring systems
The scientific program will include a number of invited talks in addition to
the presentations of the accepted papers. Invited talks, as well as possibly a
selection of accepted contributions, will be scheduled for plenary sessions.
Other accepted contributions will be scheduled for parallel ALP and PLILP
sessions. The proceedings will be published by Springer Verlag in the LNCS
series. A limited number of scholarships may be available for subsidizing
those participants who are unable to obtain support from other sources.
Deadline for submissions: May 6, 1996
Notification of acceptance/rejection: June 25, 1996
Deadline for final text: July 17, 1996
Conference: September 25 -- 27, 1996
Authors are invited to send their manuscripts by email in PostScript format
(or, if email is not available, five copies by mail) to:
ALP papers:
Michael Hanus (ALP'96 Co-chair)
RWTH Aachen
Informatik II
D-52056 Aachen, Germany
Phone: +49 241 8021230
Fax: +49 241 8888217
PLILP papers:
Herbert Kuchen (PLILP'96 Co-chair)
RWTH Aachen
Informatik II
D-52056 Aachen, Germany
Phone: +49 241 8021211
Fax: +49 241 8888217
Papers must describe original, previously unpublished research, be written and
presented in English, not exceed 15 pages (A4 or letter format, up to 5,000
words), and not be simultaneously submitted for publication elsewhere. The
cover page should include a return mailing address and, if possible, an
electronic mail address and a fax number. At the moment of submission a
message containing the title of the paper, authors, abstract, keywords, and
the address information outlined above should be sent by email to the
corresponding address. Authors are warned in advance that submitted papers
could be moved from ALP to PLILP or vice-versa, upon agreement of the program
ALP'96 Program Committee:
Sergio Antoy (USA)
Egidio Astesiano (Italy)
Juergen Avenhaus (Germany)
Pierre Deransart (France)
Laurent Fribourg (France)
Michael Hanus (Germany, Co-Chair)
Joxan Jaffar (Singapore)
Giorgio Levi (Italy)
Karl Meinke (UK)
Aart Middeldorp (Japan)
Luis Monteiro (Portugal)
Fernando Orejas (Spain)
Catuscia Palamidessi (Italy)
Frank Pfenning (USA)
Mario Rodriguez-Artalejo (Spain, Co-Chair)
Vijay Saraswat (USA)
Peter Stuckey (Australia)
Andrzej Tarlecki (Poland)
Andrei Voronkov (Sweden)
Martin Wirsing (Germany)
PLILP'96 Program Committee:
Maria Alpuente (Spain)
Patrick Cousot (France)
Yike Guo (UK)
Maurizio Gabbrielli (Italy)
Fritz Henglein (Denmark)
Tetsuo Ida (Japan)
Gerda Janssens (Belgium)
Thomas Johnsson (Sweden)
Herbert Kuchen (Germany, Co-Chair)
Daniel Le Metayer (France)
Alexander Letichevsky (Ukraine)
Rita Loogen (Germany)
Jan Maluszynski (Sweden)
Erik Meijer (Netherlands)
Dale Miller (USA)
Masaki Murakami (Japan)
Rinus Plasmeijer (Netherlands)
Laurence Puel (France)
Gert Smolka (Germany)
Doaitse Swierstra (Netherlands, Co-Chair)
Pascal van Hentenryck (USA)
Organizing Committee:
Michael Hanus
Herbert Kuchen
Markus Mohnen
Ulla Oebel
Frank Zartmann