Clean 1.0.3 available for Mac, SunOs, Solaris and Linux
Clean Support
Fri, 20 Oct 1995 16:47:22 +0100
New versions of the Clean IO system are now available from our ftp-server:
* mac:
An error in the runtime system was fixed. This error made you press
a key before the IO programs would terminate.
* linux:
New version of the IO library. This version does *not* work with
the ELF distribution.
* sunos:
New version of the IO library. You can now choose between the
OpenLook toolkit and the Xview toolkit.
* solaris
First release. Also available with OpenLook and Xview libraries.
We thank Sven Panne for the port of the Clean IO library to the Xview
The PowerMac version is also ready. We will distribute it when we've
negotiated a license with Apple Computer for the PEF executable format.
Finally we would like to bring the symposium on Functional Programming
Languages in Education to your attention. More information is available
on the World Wide Web:
Clean Support