mailing lists - Admin Links


Below is the collection of publicly-advertised Mailman mailing lists on Click on a list name to visit the configuration pages for that list.To visit the administrators configuration page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended. If you have the proper authority, you can also create a new mailing list.

General list information can be found at the mailing list overview page.

(Send questions and comments to

List Description
Accountcontacts [no description available]
Alo-tt [no description available]
Astroparticle Astroparticle group activities at IMAPP
commissies [no description available]
Dis-lunch-talk [no description available]
Dkim-test DKIM signing test
DM2500-users Users of the Leica DM2500 wide field fluorescence microscope at the GI Department
Docentinformaticavo [no description available]
Dualis [no description available]
Events Radboud Universiteit, Afdeling Sterrenkunde
fieldtrip FieldTrip discussion list
Icis-dis-postdocs [no description available]
icis-sws-seminar Software Science Seminar
Ifip-wg-rewriting mailing list for members of the IFIP WG 1.6 (rewriting)
ihub-followers [no description available]
ihub-members [no description available]
Lisa-community [no description available]
Localncg [no description available]
NCG Noncommutative Geometry Mailing List
Neurohistounit [no description available]
nl-radio-astronomy Mailing list for NL radio astronomy community
Nseag [no description available]
olympusalumni Alumni van koepelvereniging Olympus
Pep-users [no description available]
Phaseview-users Users of the PhaseView Light Sheet microscope at the GI Department
Pilab-nieuwsbrief [no description available]
Rimlsmt [no description available]
Rimlsstaf [no description available]
Sp8-liachroic-users Users of the Leica SP8-Liachroic confocal at the GI Department
Sp8x-users Users of the Leica SP8-WLL confocal at the GI Department
Spinoza-users The users of the Spinoza data analysis server at GI
Test [no description available]
Thunder-users Users of the Leica Thunder wide field microscope at the GI Department
Timelapse-users Users of the Leica Timelapse widefield microscope at the GI Department

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