<p>Dear FieldTrip Community,</p><p>I am working with LFP recordings from freely moving rats. Continous recording, no trials.</p><p>After reading available tutorials, I still can not find the strategy to calculate time varying coherence between two channels. I am able to calculate e.g. cross-power spectrum via <em>ft_freqanalysis</em>, I for this I could create cfg structure , data structure. </p><p>I wanted to calculate the time varying fourier coefficients with the ft_freqanalysis which would be an input for the ft_connectivityanalysis. However, I can get only fourier coefficients for frequencies, so just in the frequency domain, no windowing.</p> <p>Could you please give some hints for the correct cfg method and output settings to be able to calculate coherence , and imaginary coherence in a time varying fashion?</p><p> </p><p>Best regards</p><p>Levente Gellért </p><p>OScillatory Neural Networks Research Group</p><p>University of Szeged</p><BR><hr />Message sent via Atmail Open - http://atmail.org/</HTML>