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<tt><font size="-1">Hello, <br>
I' m working on my first FieldTrip script to analyse </font></tt><tt><font
size="-1"><tt><font size="-1">continuous EEG data. M</font></tt>y
problem is that I haven't found a way to concatenate the
non-continuous data after artifact rejection. Here are the steps
that I follow:<br>
1. Check for bad channels and mark artifacts: artif =
ft_databrowser(cfg, data_all); (continuous data)<br>
2. Channel interpolation: data_fixed =
ft_channelrepair(cfg,data_all); (continuous data)<br>
3. Reject the artifacts: data_clear = ft_rejectartifact(cfg,
data_fixed); <br>
After step 3 if I display the data using the databrowser I can
see that they are not continuous anymore because I have rejected
the segments that contained the artifacts. So, my question is
how can I make the data continuous again?<br>
I tried the following but with no success:<br>
(1) data_final = ft_appendata([], data_clear);<br>
(2) cfg = []; <br>
cfg.trl = [min(data_clear.sampleinfo(:,1))
max(data_clear.sampleinfo(:,2)) 0]; <br>
data_concat = ft_redefinetrial(cfg,data_clear);<br>
Thank you for your time in advance. <br>