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<p>Dear all</p>
<p>I would like to use the cluster analysis functions in Fieldtrip on correlation statistics. I note there has been some discussion about this on this list in the past but I haven't come across the necessary ft_statfun_corr function to allow this analysis. It would be great if somebody has this code and could share it with me; otherwise, I will embark on writing it myself and sharing my results with everyone for feedback. Being new to Fieldtrip I would greatly appreciate any collaborative help with this. May I check my understanding on something before getting started: To allow for multiple comparisons correction using monte carlo for example, as part of a cluster analysis, I presume the output of the function must be t values rather than correlation coefficients? Any other hints as to how to write this are most welcome.</p>
<p>Kind regards</p>
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<pre><strong>Dr Christopher Brown</strong>
<em>Research Associate </em><em>| CamPain Group </em><em>| Division of Anaesthesia | School of Clinical Medicine | University of Cambridge</em> </pre>
<pre><br />Box 93 <br />Addenbrooke's Hospital <br />Hills Road <br />Cambridge CB2 0QQ <br /><br />01223 256 995</pre>