<html><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></head><body>Hi andrea, ft_conjunctionanalysis performs a logical AND on 2 or more contrasts, of which each contrast may be corrected for multiple comparisons. It thus shows the overlap between those nonparametric statistical maps where a voxel survives the conjunction if it survived two or more independent nonparametric tests. It differs from the spm version which is grounded in parametric testing (nichols 2005). In the latter one could find overlap between clusters that is not necessarily statistically significant at the clusterlevel. That is because the parametric method is geared toward the (fixed) intensity of the cluster (and overlaps). Those are the key differences. Hope this helps a bit. Yours; arjen<br>andrea brovelli <andrea.brovelli@univ-amu.fr> schreef:<br>Dear all,<br><br>I need to do a conjunction analysis between contrast maps (T-maps or thresholded p-maps).<br><br>I have seen that there is a function called ft_conjunctionanalysis. Does anyone know what this function does ? I cannot find the reference for the method implemented.<br><br>Or does anyone have the matlab code to perform a conjunction analysis as described in Nichols et al., 2005 Neuroimage ?<br><br>http://psych.colorado.edu/~tor/Papers/Nichols_2005_conjunctions.pdf<br><br>Thanks a lot<br><br>Andrea<br>_______________________________________________<br>fieldtrip mailing list<br>fieldtrip@donders.ru.nl<br>http://mailman.science.ru.nl/mailman/listinfo/fieldtrip<br> </body>