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Dear all, <br>
I'm trying to run ft_sourcestatistics with a specified ROI. It's
data (MNEs) averaged over time.<br>
If I run ft_sourcestatistics without an ROI, I get a cluster with
prob = .178. It looks like this (figure attached), where I masked
using the t-values.<br>
Since I'm dealing with an N400-like component, I've got good reasons
to expect the effect to be localised (mainly) to left temporal
areas. <br>
So I tried adding this to my cfg:<br>
cfgst.atlas = 'aal\ROI_MNI_V4.nii';<br>
cfgst.roi = {'Temporal_Mid_L' 'Temporal_Sup_L'
'Temporal_Inf_L' };<br>
cfgst.avgoverroi = 'yes';<br>
cfgst.hemisphere = 'left';<br>
cfgst.inputcoord = 'mni' ;<br>
stat = ft_sourcestatistics(cfgst, iRel{:}, iIde{:}); <br>
If cfgst.avgoverroi == 'yes'; I get the following error:<br>
??? In an assignment A(:) = B, the number of elements in A and B<br>
must be the same.<br>
Error in ==> clusterstat at 187<br>
tmp(cfg.inside) = postailobs;<br>
Error in ==> ft_statistics_montecarlo at 326<br>
[stat, cfg] = clusterstat(cfg, statrand,
Error in ==> statistics_wrapper at 298<br>
[stat, cfg] = statmethod(cfg, dat, design, 'issource',issource);<br>
Error in ==> ft_sourcestatistics at 107<br>
[stat, cfg] = statistics_wrapper(cfg, varargin{:});<br>
If cfgst.avgoverroi == 'no'; <br>
ft outputs "found positive clusters in observed data" and
stat.posclusters/negclusters is only NaN. This is regardless of
whether cfgst.roi is one label or a cell array.<br>
Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?<br>
I've been completely stuck on source statistics for these MNEs for
days, so <i>any</i> help would be highly appreciated, even if it is
to suggest another way to do the stats!<br>
Thanks a lot, Vitória<br>