<div dir="ltr">Hi There,<br>I have been having some problems with the use of sourceplot: I am trying to display the results of ft_sourcestatistics where input is sources for 2 conditions coming from multiple subjects (individual subjects warped to MNI space).<br>
To begin with, I interpolate my results to the MNI mri in fieldtrip - eg for p values :<br>templatefile = '~/fieldtrip/external/spm8/templates/T1.nii';<br>template_mri = ft_read_mri(templatefile);<br>cfg = [];<br>
cfg.voxelcoord = 'no';<br>cfg.parameter = 'prob';<br>cfg.interpmethod = 'nearest';<br>cfg.coordsys = 'mni';<br>imgdat = ft_sourceinterpolate(cfg, dat, template_mri);<br> <br>This seems to work fine except (and this is my question) for some *stange artifactual voxels* appearing when I use the 'ortho' method (see screenshot here <a href="https://db.tt/W7fiVIWq" target="_blank">https://db.tt/W7fiVIWq</a> ) <br>
Here is the actual call:<br><br>cfg = [];<br>cfg.coordsys = 'mni';<br>cfg.funparameter = 'prob';<br>cfg.maskparameter = cfg.funparameter;<br>cfg.funcolorlim=[0 0.05];<br>cfg.opacitymap ='rampdown'<br>
cfg.opacitylim=[0 0.05]<br>cfg.method='ortho';<br>cfg.interactive='yes';<br>cfg.atlas='~/fieldtrip/template/atlas/aal/ROI_MNI_V4.nii';<br>ft_sourceplot(cfg,imgdat)<br><br>I am referring to the "white voxels" that seem to have value of 1 (which I thought, based on the above call should not be displayed(?)). The same kind of problem appears when I use other parameters from "prob", eg "stat" . Those "strange" voxels are always the same. This problem is not present with eg method "slice"<br>
<br>Any advice or insight you might have would be much appreciated.<br>Best,<br>Haris <br><br><br>Charidimos [Haris] Tzagarakis MD, PhD, MRCPsych
<br>University of Minnesota Dept of Neuroscience and Brain Sciences Center<br></div>