Hello fieldtrippers!<br><br>I would like to calculate wPLI (weighted phase lag index) for two time-series (created by a beamformer). <br>It's described here: <a href="http://fieldtrip.fcdonders.nl/reference/ft_connectivity_wpli">http://fieldtrip.fcdonders.nl/reference/ft_connectivity_wpli</a><br>
What do <b>repetitions </b>mean in input argument for the function?<br><br>I have the data in a text or Excel format that I could import into Matlab directly: <br>1st column is time, <br>2nd column is 1st source intensities and <br>
3rd column is 2nd source intensities.<br><br>Assuming I get my input data in the correct format, is this a correct line to call the function (I need a debiased wPLI)?<br><pre><font size="4">[wpi, v, n] = ft_connectivity_wpli(input, debias 1)<br>
</font><br><font size="4">Thanks</font>,<br></pre>Inna<br>