<div dir="ltr"><pre><font size="4">I am using fieldtrip-20130101 and Matlab 7.10.I have a problem when I try to plot TFR map. </font><br><font size="4">The error message I receive is:<br>??? Error using ==> griddata at 53<br>
X and Y must be same length as Z or the lengths<br>of X and Y must match the size of Z.<br><br>Error in ==> topoplot at 463<br> [Xi,Yi,Zi] = griddata(x', y, data, xi', yi, cfg.interpolation); % Interpolate the topographic data</font><br>
<font size="4">Error in ==> lecture at 65<br><font size="4">[handle]=topoplot(cfg, meanfft)</font><br>meanfft is a vector containing the average of the </font><font size="4"><font size="4">spectral </font>power of each electrode.</font><br>
<br><font size="4">I have all the electrode locations loaded and the same command works on the same system using version </font><font size="4"><font size="4">fieldtrip-20130101</font>.
Thanks for your help,</font></pre></div>