<div dir="ltr">** Second Call for Papers **<br><br>3rd Workshop on Affective Brain-Computer Interfaces (aBCI) Workshop at<br>ACII 2013 (September 2-5), Geneva, Switzerland, September 2, 2013<br><br><a href="http://hmi.ewi.utwente.nl/abci2013">http://hmi.ewi.utwente.nl/abci2013</a><br>
<a href="http://www.acii2013.org">http://www.acii2013.org</a><br><br>During
the last decade, brain computer interface (BCI) research has developed
into a major research field establishing methodological frameworks,
guidelines and a core community of established researchers. Besides
proving valuable as a communication channel that bypasses impeded
muscular pathways, the novel technology also spurred the investigation
of applications for able-bodied users, foremost in the fields of
entertainment, health and lifestyle.<br><br>Affective BCI systems
allowing users to control computer games, support relaxation training,
or trigger your alarm clock during a shallow sleep stage have been
proposed, implemented, and sold. Moreover, the affordable hardware and
software tools also encouraged artists to play with the idea of a direct
access to people’s most private information: their affective and
cognitive states. From these explorations followed a number of
interesting installations, suggesting novel ways of human-computer as
well as human-human interaction: neurotechnology-based systems that
encourage affective self-reflection, the synchronization and empathizing
between or the competition of different minds, and the collaborative
creation and manipulation of digital multimodal content.<br><br>The
third workshop on affective brain-computer interfaces will explore the
advantages and limitations of using neuro-physiological signals as a
modality for the automatic recognition of affective and cognitive
states, and the possibilities of using this information about the user
state in applications for domains like health, arts, and entertainment.
The goal is to bring researchers, artists, and practitioners together to
present state-of-the-art progress and their visions, and thus to spur
the development of guidelines and frameworks for affective BCI.<br><br><br>Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:<br><br>• affective/cognitive state induction and data collection for affective BCI<br>• detection of mental state via BCI and other modalities<br>
• innovative concepts for adaptive interfaces and affective BCI<br>• demos of affective BCI systems and artworks<br><br><br>Submission Instructions<br><br>*
The papers should feature original empirical work, theoretical work, or
a well defendable but arguable position of the authors.<br>* Papers will be published in the proceedings of ACII 2013 by IEEE. Papers should be limited to 6 pages.<br>* Further details about the submission instructions and format can be found on the website of ACII 2013.<br>
<br>* For further information, contact <a href="mailto:abci@ewi.utwente.nl">abci@ewi.utwente.nl</a><br><br><br>Important Dates:<br><br>April 20, 2013: Submission of manuscripts<br>May 20, 2013: Acceptance/Rejection notification<br>
June 17, 2013: Submission of camera-ready papers and presenting author’s registration<br>September 2, 2013: Date of the Workshop<br><br><br>Programme Chairs:<br><br>* Brendan Allison, University of California, San Diego, USA<br>
* Guilliaume Chanel, Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland,<br>* Christian Mühl, INRIA Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest, France<br>* Anton Nijholt, Universiteit Twente, the Netherlands<br><br><br>Programme Committee:<br>
<br>* Egon L. van den Broek, TNO Technical Sciences, Delft, The Netherlands<br>* Anne-Marie Brouwer, TNO Perceptual and Cognitive Systems, Soesterberg, the Netherlands<br>* Stephen Fairclough, John Moores University, Liverpool, UK<br>
* Didier Grandjean, Swiss Center for Affective Sciences, Geneva, Switzerland<br>* Hayrettin Gürkök, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands<br>* Jonghwa Kim, University of Augsburg, Germany<br>* Brent Lance, Army Research Laboratory/TNB, Aberdeen Proving Ground, USA,<br>
* Fabien Lotte, INRIA Bordeaux - Sud-Ouest, France<br>* Winfried Menninghaus, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany<br>* Gary Garcia Molina, Philips Research North America, Briarcliff, USA<br>* Christopher Honey, Princeton University, USA<br>
* Ioannis Patras, Queen Mary University, London, UK<br>* Mannes Poel, University of Twente, Enschede, the Netherlands<br>* Olga Sourina, NanYang Technological University, Singapore<br>* Ed Tan, Universiteit van Amsterdam, the Netherlands<br>
* Aleksander Valjamae, University of Graz, Austria<br>* Thorsten Zander, Technische Universität Berlin, Germany</div>