<html><head></head><body style="word-wrap: break-word; -webkit-nbsp-mode: space; -webkit-line-break: after-white-space; ">Hi Sophie,<div><br></div><div>That's strange. I assume that the same problem occurs when you try it with the xxx.COH dataset? Could you create yourself an account on our <a href="http://bugzilla.fcdonders.nl">bugzilla.fcdonders.nl</a> website, and file a bug about this? If you then upload one of the xxx.COH datasets (along with the config-file), as well as the MEG_LABEL variable we can have a look at it.</div><div><br></div><div>Best wishes,</div><div>Jan-Mathijs</div><div><br><div><div>On Feb 27, 2013, at 1:51 PM, sophie chen wrote:</div><br class="Apple-interchange-newline"><blockquote type="cite"><div class="gmail_quote">Dear all, <br><br>I am trying to read MEG 4D files with Fieldtrip version 20130226 using ft_preprocessing file with a preselection of MEG channels ( 'MEG' or a cell array of channel names, here is MEG_LABEL) but the output <br>
data contains only 152 channels while I have 248 channels... I tried the same code with Fieldtrip version 20121015, and I get everything properly (i.e. 248 channels)<br>Following the script I am running and the corresponding results in matlab. <br>
<br><br><i>cfg = [];<br>cfg.dataset = 'c,rfDC';<br>cfg.trialdef.eventtype = 'TRIGGER';<br>cfg.trialdef.eventvalue = 2; <br>cfg.trialdef.prestim = 1;<br>cfg.trialdef.poststim = 2; <br>[cfg] = ft_definetrial(cfg);<br>
<br>% cfg.channel = 'MEG'; <br>cfg.channel = MEG_LABEL;<br>cfg.continous = 'yes';<br>data_2 = ft_preprocessing (cfg)</i><br><br><b>I get this >></b><br><br> Warning: no trialfun was specified, using ft_trialfun_general <br>
> In ft_definetrial at 123 <br>evaluating trialfunction 'ft_trialfun_general'<br>applying digital weights in the gradiometer balancing matrix<br>Warning: all channels must have unique labels, creating unique labels <br>
> In ft_read_header at 1681<br> In ft_trialfun_general at 71<br> In ft_definetrial at 162 <br>undoing the Supine balancing<br>reading the events from 'c,rfDC'<br>applying digital weights in the gradiometer balancing matrix<br>
Warning: all channels must have unique labels, creating unique labels <br>> In ft_read_header at 1681<br> In ft_read_event at 174<br> In ft_trialfun_general at 80<br> In ft_definetrial at 162 <br>found 677 events<br>
created 249 trials<br>the call to "ft_definetrial" took 5 seconds<br>applying digital weights in the gradiometer balancing matrix<br>Warning: all channels must have unique labels, creating unique labels <br>> In ft_read_header at 1681<br>
In ft_preprocessing at 394 <br>processing channel { 'A2' 'A104' 'A241' 'A138' 'A71' 'A125' 'A20' 'A65' 'A9' 'A114' 'A175' 'A228' 'A35' 'A191' 'A37' 'A170' 'A207' 'A224' 'A82' 'A238' 'A28' 'A239' 'A13' 'A165' 'A204' 'A25' 'A70' 'A11' 'A47' 'A64' 'A177' 'A127' 'A247' 'A194' 'A5' 'A242' 'A168' 'A31' 'A245' 'A219' 'A105' 'A222' 'A76' 'A188' 'A215' 'A235' 'A181' 'A38' 'A230' 'A91' 'A212' 'A24' 'A96' 'A57' 'A86' 'A116' 'A141' 'A120' 'A80' 'A210' 'A113' 'A27' 'A135' 'A167' 'A206' 'A100' 'A43' 'A200' 'A102' 'A132' 'A122' 'A62' 'A21' 'A229' 'A55' 'A32' 'A85' 'A58' 'A60' 'A88' 'A79' 'A203' 'A145' 'A139' 'A156' 'A68' 'A159' 'A236' 'A161' 'A6' 'A126' 'A94' 'A15' 'A193' 'A150' 'A36' 'A225' 'A195' 'A172' 'A108' 'A81' 'A171' 'A218' 'A173' 'A201' 'A74' 'A29' 'A164' 'A232' 'A69' 'A157' 'A97' 'A124' 'A40' 'A178' 'A179' 'A33' 'A147' 'A148' 'A89' 'A119' 'A52' 'A190' 'A73' 'A136' 'A184' 'A51' 'A77' 'A129' 'A197' 'A182' 'A46' 'A92' 'A41' 'A90' 'A23' 'A154' 'A18' 'A248' 'A149' 'A118' 'A152' 'A140' 'A110' 'A185' 'A162' 'A106' 'A187' 'A221' 'A133' 'A158' 'A216' }<br>
reading and preprocessing<br>reading and preprocessing trial 249 from 249<br><br>the call to "ft_preprocessing" took 20 seconds<br><br>data_2 = <br><br> hdr: [1x1 struct]<br> label: {152x1 cell}<br>
time: {1x249 cell}<br> trial: {1x249 cell}<br> fsample: 2.0345e+03<br> sampleinfo: [249x2 double]<br> trialinfo: [249x1 double]<br> grad: [1x1 struct]<br> cfg: [1x1 struct]<br>
<br><br><b>This is what I get with Fieldtrip 20121015:</b><br clear="all"><br>Warning: no trialfun was specified, using ft_trialfun_general <br>> In ft_definetrial at 123 <br>evaluating trialfunction 'ft_trialfun_general'<br>
applying digital weights in the gradiometer balancing matrix<br>undoing the Supine balancing<br>reading the events from 'c,rfDC'<br>applying digital weights in the gradiometer balancing matrix<br>undoing the Supine balancing<br>
found 677 events<br>created 249 trials<br>the call to "ft_definetrial" took 7 seconds<br>applying digital weights in the gradiometer balancing matrix<br>undoing the Supine balancing<br>processing channel { 'A22' 'A2' 'A104' 'A241' 'A138' 'A214' 'A71' 'A26' 'A93' 'A39' 'A125' 'A20' 'A65' 'A9' 'A8' 'A95' 'A114' 'A175' 'A16' 'A228' 'A35' 'A191' 'A37' 'A170' 'A207' 'A112' 'A224' 'A82' 'A238' 'A202' 'A220' 'A28' 'A239' 'A13' 'A165' 'A204' 'A233' 'A98' 'A25' 'A70' 'A72' 'A11' 'A47' 'A160' 'A64' 'A3' 'A177' 'A63' 'A155' 'A10' 'A127' 'A67' 'A115' 'A247' 'A174' 'A194' 'A5' 'A242' 'A176' 'A78' 'A168' 'A31' 'A223' 'A245' 'A219' 'A12' 'A186' 'A105' 'A222' 'A76' 'A50' 'A188' 'A231' 'A45' 'A180' 'A99' 'A234' 'A215' 'A235' 'A181' 'A38' 'A230' 'A91' 'A212' 'A24' 'A66' 'A42' 'A96' 'A57' 'A86' 'A56' 'A116' 'A151' 'A141' 'A120' 'A189' 'A80' 'A210' 'A143' 'A113' 'A27' 'A137' 'A135' 'A167' 'A75' 'A240' 'A206' 'A107' 'A130' 'A100' 'A43' 'A200' 'A102' 'A132' 'A183' 'A199' 'A122' 'A19' 'A62' 'A21' 'A229' 'A84' 'A213' 'A55' 'A32' 'A85' 'A146' 'A58' 'A60' 'A88' 'A79' 'A169' 'A54' 'A203' 'A145' 'A103' 'A163' 'A139' 'A49' 'A166' 'A156' 'A128' 'A68' 'A159' 'A236' 'A161' 'A121' 'A4' 'A61' 'A6' 'A126' 'A14' 'A94' 'A15' 'A193' 'A150' 'A227' 'A59' 'A36' 'A225' 'A195' 'A30' 'A109' 'A172' 'A108' 'A81' 'A171' 'A218' 'A173' 'A201' 'A74' 'A29' 'A164' 'A205' 'A232' 'A69' 'A157' 'A97' 'A217' 'A101' 'A124' 'A40' 'A123' 'A153' 'A178' 'A1' 'A179' 'A33' 'A147' 'A117' 'A148' 'A87' 'A89' 'A243' 'A119' 'A52' 'A142' 'A211' 'A190' 'A53' 'A192' 'A73' 'A226' 'A136' 'A184' 'A51' 'A237' 'A77' 'A129' 'A131' 'A198' 'A197' 'A182' 'A46' 'A92' 'A41' 'A90' 'A7' 'A23' 'A83' 'A154' 'A34' 'A17' 'A18' 'A248' 'A149' 'A118' 'A208' 'A152' 'A140' 'A144' 'A209' 'A110' 'A111' 'A244' 'A185' 'A246' 'A162' 'A106' 'A187' 'A48' 'A221' 'A196' 'A133' 'A158' 'A44' 'A134' 'A216' }<br>
reading and preprocessing<br>reading and preprocessing trial 249 from 249<br><br>the call to "ft_preprocessing" took 24 seconds<br><br>data_2 = <br><br> hdr: [1x1 struct]<br> label: {248x1 cell}<br>
time: {1x249 cell}<br> trial: {1x249 cell}<br> fsample: 2.0345e+03<br> sampleinfo: [249x2 double]<br> trialinfo: [249x1 double]<br> grad: [1x1 struct]<br> cfg: [1x1 struct]<br>
<br><br>I hope this helps to find out where the problem is coming from...<br>Thanks in advance for your help<br><br>Cheers, <br><br>Sophie Chen<span><span><br></span></span><br><p><br></p>
_______________________________________________<br>fieldtrip mailing list<br><a href="mailto:fieldtrip@donders.ru.nl">fieldtrip@donders.ru.nl</a><br>http://mailman.science.ru.nl/mailman/listinfo/fieldtrip</blockquote></div><br><div>
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