<div dir="ltr">Hi all,<div><br></div><div>My apologies if this is off-topic here, since you all seem like very busy experts! </div><div><br></div><div>I'm trying to figure out what I need to get started with capturing real-time EEG data using consumer-priced headsets (<$200). I don't actually have any interest in using MATLAB, though - I just want to capture the raw data, in real time.</div>
<div><br></div><div>I see that FieldTrip has a <a href="http://fieldtrip.fcdonders.nl/development/realtime/neurosky">realtime acquisition module</a> for NeuroSky's "ThinkCap", though I can't find a current product by NeuroSky called that. Is there something else of theirs I could buy that would work with FieldTrip?</div>
<div><br></div><div>Or, should I be looking elsewhere entirely? What should someone who wants real-time EEG data do? </div><div><br></div><div>My plan is to stream this data and visualize it on the web in real time. My background is in web development, not cognitive science, but I'm willing to learn what I have to make something interesting. I'd also love to have the project result in libraries useful for other people in the field.</div>
<div><br></div><div style>Thanks for any advice you can give on what EEG to buy, and/or where to learn the core concepts I'll need to use the data.</div><div><br></div><div style>-- Eric</div></div>