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<p>We are seeking a highly motivated PhD student for a 4-year project on <em>the role of selective attention in reward-modulated cognitive control</em>. The project will be supervised by Nico Boehler in collaboration with Wim Notebaert (<a href="http://expsy.ugent.be/staff/cstaff.htm">http://expsy.ugent.be/staff/cstaff.htm</a>).<br>
Our department hosts ten research groups, creating a dynamic environment including regular internal presentation series as well as frequent talks by invited speakers etc. We have access to state-of-the-art equipment including a 64/128-channel Biosemi EEG system and a research-dedicated 3-tesla Siemens MR scanner, as well as eye-tracking devices and TMS.<br>
Candidates are expected to have a Master's degree in psychology, (cognitive) neuroscience, or a related discipline on the starting date. He or she will mostly carry out behavioral and EEG experiments, but extensions to fMRI (including MR-compatible EEG) and TMS are possible. Experience with any of these techniques would be an asset.<br>
The starting date is flexible (but preferably early 2013). The project will culminate after four years in a PhD thesis. Salary is according to standard Belgian regulations (scholarship: ± ?22.000,? net/year). Although the governing language at Ghent University is Dutch, knowledge of Dutch is not a pre-requisite.<br>
Interested candidates should send a CV, motivation letter, and two (email) addresses of potential referees to <a href="mailto:nico.boehler@ugent.be">nico.boehler@ugent.be</a> before February 1st 2013. Informal inquiries can also be sent via email.<br>
Nico Boehler<br>
Dept. of Experimental Psychology<br>
Ghent University<br>