Dear all,<br><br>I have encountered a problem when trying to calculate
the power spectrum of my data and I was wondering if anyone could help
me to determine the origin of this problem.<br><br>For the analysis I
used multitapers (dpss) with a 11 Hz freq-smoothing and a time window
with a length of 500 ms ending up with 10 tapers for the TFR calculation
(the freq range is 20 - 200 Hz):<br>
<br><div style="margin-left:40px">cfg = [];<br>cfg.output = 'pow';<br> = 'MEG';<br>cfg.method = 'mtmconvol'; <br>cfg.taper = 'dpss';<br>cfg.keeptrials = 'no'; <br>
cfg.foi = [20:1:200];<br>cfg.toi = [-0.5:0.05:1.0]; % the preprocessed data length is 2 sec, from -0.8 to 1.2 s<br>cfg.tapsmofrq = ones(length(cfg.foi),1).*11; % spectral smoothing = +/- 11 Hz<br>cfg.t_ftimwin = ones(length(cfg.foi),1).*0.5; % length of time window = 500 ms<br>
cfg.pad = 'maxperlen'; <br> <br>TFR_Mult_DPSS_10tapers_fmin20Hz_fmax200Hz = ft_freqanalysis(cfg,DataOut);<br></div><br>After calculation I did a baseline normalization:<br><br><div style="margin-left:40px">
cfg = []; <br>cfg.baseline = [-0.4 -0.1];<br>cfg.baselinetype = 'relchange'; <br><br>TFR_HighGamma{subject,condition} = ft_freqbaseline(cfg,TFR_file.TFR_Mult_DPSS_10tapers_fmin20Hz_fmax200Hz);<br>
<br></div>averaged:<br><div style="margin-left:40px"><br>cfg = [];<br> = 'ParOcc'; % parietal and occipital channels<br>GA_TFR_HighGamma{condition} = ft_freqgrandaverage(cfg,TFR_HighGamma{:,condition});<br>
</div><br>and finally plotted the spectrum:<br><br><div style="margin-left:40px"> time(1) = 3; % -400 ms<br> time(2) = 27; % 800 ms<br> indFreq = [20 200];<br> freq = find(ismember(GA_TFR_HighGamma{i}.freq, indFreq) == 1);<br>
<br> power = squeeze(mean(GA_TFR_HighGamma{i}.powspctrm,1));<br> power = mean(GA_TFR_HighGamma{i}.powspctrm(:,:,time(1):time(2)),1);<br> power = mean(power,1);<br> <br> fig = figure;<br> set(fig,'PaperUnits','centimeters');<br>
set(fig,'Units','centimeters');<br> set(fig,'PaperSize',[15 15]);<br> set(fig,'PaperPosition',[0 0 14 14]);<br> set(gcf,'Color',[1 1 1]);<br> <br> ha = gca;<br> pcolor(GA_TFR_HighGamma{i}.time(time(1):time(2)),GA_TFR_HighGamma{i}.freq,squeeze(power));<br>
set(ha,'FontName','Arial','FontSize',10,'LineWidth',1.5);<br> shading interp;<br> xlim([-0.4 0.8]);<br> ylim([40 120]);<br> caxis([-.2 .2]);<br> hold on;<br> ha = gca;<br> plot([0 0],[40 120],'k--','LineWidth',1); <br>
set(ha,'FontName','Arial','FontSize',10,'LineWidth',1.5);<br> set(ha,'YTick',[40 60 80 100 120]);<br> colorbar('SouthOutside'); <br> xlabel('Time [sec]');<br> ylabel('Frequency [Hz]');<br>
</div><br>The resulting plot looks strange to me since there is this
artifical "cut" at 70 Hz and at 50 Hz. I checked the FAQs but my plot
looks different from the "strange" ones described there.<br>I also attached a screenshot of the MultiplotTFR and there you can see
the strange "effect" clearly in channels MLO22 or MRO22 for example.<br><br>Is something wrong with my TFR calculation? Or does the problem arise from an earlier step in the preprocessing?<br><br>Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!<br>
<br>Best,<br><br>Andreas<br clear="all"><br>-- <br><div></div><div>Andreas Sauer</div><div>Max Planck Institute for Brain Research</div><div>Deutschordenstraße 46</div><div>60528 Frankfurt am Main</div><div>Germany</div>
<div><br></div><div>T: <a href="tel:%2B49%2069%2096769%20278" value="+496996769278" target="_blank">+49 69 96769 278</a></div>
<div>F: <a href="tel:%2B49%2069%2096769%20327" value="+496996769327" target="_blank">+49 69 96769 327</a></div><div>Email: <a href="" target="_blank"></a></div><div><a href="" target="_blank"></a></div>