Dear all,<br><br>I have a question regarding frequency analysis using the multitaper approach. I transformed my data using the following code:<br><br> cfg = [];<br> = 'all';<br>
cfg.output = 'pow';<br> cfg.method = 'mtmconvol';<br> cfg.foi = 40:1:100;<br> cfg.toi = -1.0:0.02:1.0;<br> cfg.t_ftimwin = 7./cfg.foi;<br> cfg.tapsmofrq = cfg.foi*0.4;<br>
cfg.pad = 'maxperlen';<br> cfg.keeptrials = 'no';<br> freq = ft_freqanalysis(cfg, data);<br><br>When I plot the TFR it looks strange in a similiar way to what I found on the fieldtrip homepage: <a href="" target="_blank"></a> <br>
Following the help on the homepage did not improve the outcome. I attached an example of my TFR.<br><br>What can I do to improve the outcome of the frequency analysis?<br><br>Best,<br>Jonathan<br><br>