<div dir="ltr">Dear Fieldtrippers, <br><br>I am trying to locate the source of an oscillatory effect at the frequency of 30Hz in a time window of interest. <br>Before running the ft_sourceanalysis function, I run a ft_freqanalysis with a frequency smoothing of 8 (cfg.tapsmofrq =8). <br>
My question is whether there is any rule of thumb by which I could reliably determine the extent of the smoothing? <br>I found out that even small changes in the 'tapsmofrq' value, significantly alter the spatial localization of the resulting sources. <br>
For instance, a tapsmofreq value of 8 would point to an effect in the frontal lobe, whereas a value of 10 would point to an effect in the parietal lobe. <br><br>Any advice would be appreciated.<br><br>Yoni<br></div>