Dear all,<br><br>I analyzed some data using Brainvision Analyzer and would like to re-analyze the same data using Fieldtrip. However, the final results are a bit different between Brainvision Analyzer and Fieldtrip.<br>
The main difference is because of differences in filtering of the data (without filtering the data is exactly the same). The filter in Fieldtrip seems to be much 'stricter' and as a consequence the amplitude is almost halved in the grandaverage!<br>
<br>In Brainvision Analyzer I used the following filter setting:<br><br>Butterworth Zero Phase Filters<br>Low Cutoff: 1.0000 Hz, Time constant 0.1592s, 24 dB/oct<br>High Cutoff: 30.0000 Hz, 24 dB/oct<br>Notch Filter: ---<br>
<br>In Fieldtrip I used the following filter settings<br><br>cfg.lpfilter = 'yes';<br>cfg.hpfilter = 'yes';<br>cfg.lpfreq = 30;<br>cfg.hpfreq = 1;<br>
<br>cfg.lpfiltord = 6;<br>cfg.hpfiltord = 6;<br> <br>cfg.lpfiltdir = 'twopass'; <br>cfg.hpfiltdir = 'twopass';<br><br>Any suggestions for the Fieldtrip filter settings to resemble the Brainvision Analyzer filter settings as much as possible?<br>