<div dir="ltr">Hello<br><br>I am using ft_multiplotER to display the 'butterfly' of the MEG data after it was decimated and averaged.<br>I would like to do several things:<br>1) to have the axes legends and values on the figure I get (I get only a plot with not text at all on the axes)<br>
2) to add a title (<u>not</u> by doing it with matlab title('XXX'))<br>3) to be able to select a component (i.e. a relevant time piece ) and to see it's field on the head layout (i.e.cfg.layout='4D248.lay';)<br>
<br>The code I am using, after decimation and averaging , is: <br> <br>cfg=[];<br>cfg.interactive='yes';<br>cfg.showlabels='yes';<br>cfg.fontsize=14;<br>% cfg.layout='4D248.lay';<br>cfg.layout ='butterfly';<br>
ft_multiplotER(cfg,AvrDATA);<br><br>Is it possible?<br><br>Thank you very much for your help<br><br>Inbal<br></div>