Hello,<br><br>I am trying to perform beamforming on some MEG data (148 channels). I have the dicom files for the MRI, and I have converted them to .img and .hdr files using Curry. <br>I am importing them into fieldtrip via <br>
mri=ft_read_mri('MRI.img'). <br><br>Then I manually declaring the fiducials with<br>cfg.method = 'interactive';<br>mrialign = ft_volumerealign(cfg, mri);<br><br>Then segmenting with<br>
cfg = [];<br>cfg.write = 'no';<br>[segment] = ft_volumesegment(cfg, mri);<br><br>Then creating the head model with<br>cfg = [];<br>cfg.smooth = 'no';<br>vol = ft_prepare_singleshell(cfg, segment);<br>
<br>Then creating the grid with<br>cfg = [];<br>cfg.grad = freq.grad;<br>cfg.vol = vol;<br>cfg.reducerank = 'no';<br>cfg.channel = {'MEG','-TRIGGER','-RESPONSE',...<br>
'-UACurrent','-MxA','-MyA','-MzA','-GxxA','-GyxA','-GyyA',...<br> '-GzyA','-GzxA','-MxaA','-MyaA','-MzaA','-E1','-E2','-E3','-E4'};<br>
cfg.grid.xgrid = [-10:0.5:15]; % adjust according to vol<br>cfg.grid.ygrid = [-15:0.5:15]; % adjust according to vol<br>cfg.grid.zgrid = [-10:0.5:15]; % adjust according to vol<br>[grid] = ft_prepare_leadfield(cfg);<br>
<br>I am importing my MEG data with<br>cfg = []; % empty configuration<br>cfg.dataset = 'C:/MEG Study/Subjectd001/d001/Billy_180s/06@-09@-10@_19_41/4/c,rfhp0.1Hz';<br>cfg.trialfun = 'trialfun_general';<br>
cfg.trialdef.triallength = 2; % duration in seconds<br>cfg.trialdef.ntrials = inf; % number of trials, inf results in as many as possible<br>cfg = ft_definetrial(cfg);<br><br>% preprocess the data<br>
cfg.channel = {'MEG','-TRIGGER','-RESPONSE',...<br> '-UACurrent','-MxA','-MyA','-MzA','-GxxA','-GyxA','-GyyA',...<br> '-GzyA','-GzxA','-MxaA','-MyaA','-MzaA','-E1','-E2','-E3','-E4'}; %read all MEG channels except those with '-'<br>
cfg.lpfilter = 'yes';<br>cfg.lpfreq = 200;<br>cfg.bsfilter = 'yes'; %60 Hz noise<br>cfg.bsfreq = [58 62];<br><br>data = ft_preprocessing(cfg);<br>
<br>In the end, when I go to plot them all on the same graph, the head model seems to be 100 times larger than the gradiometer sensors (they appear as a small ball in the middle of the head). I've tried adjusting the grad.unit parameter from 'm' to 'cm', but it doesn't help the downstream frequency, leadfield, and source analysis.<br>
<br>Can someone tell me how to ensure the gradiometer and mri/grid are on the same scale so I can be sure I have the right model for my beamforming?<br><br>Thank you,<br>-Allison<br>