Dear Fieldtrip users,<br><br>I noticed a little error in ft_componentanalysis since your latest update (2011/02/09) :<br>While using the function, I got this error message : <br><br>"??? Error using ==> toc<br>You must call TIC without an output argument before calling TOC without an input argument.<br>
<br>Error in ==> ft_componentanalysis at 465<br>fprintf('total time in componentanalysis %.1f seconds\n', stopwatch(toc));<br><br>Error in ==> temprod_NEW_runicaonspectra at 37<br> comp = ft_componentanalysis(cfg,data);"<br>
<div id=":8j">
<br>It seems there's here a bad use of function toc.m<br><br>It should be : "fprintf('total time in componentanalysis %.1f seconds\n', toc(stopwatch));" <br>I tried it and it worked fine.<br><br>Please let me know if I'm wrong.<br>
<br>Cheers, <br><font color="#888888"><br>Baptiste gauthier</font></div>