Hi, <br><br>I've tried to make changes to the megplanar code in FieldTrip so that
it can be used for our Yokogawa (axial gradiometer) MEG system. I was
wondering if anyone familar with the planar gradient approximation code in megplanar and/or the Yokogawa system could take a quick look at the changes that I've made
and the results of simulations that I've done and see if they look
reasonable.<br>Output images generated by the simulation code (code pasted below) are at:<br><br><a href="http://clayspace.psych.nyu.edu/lab-members/sangita-dandekar/planarsims/" target="_blank">http://clayspace.psych.nyu.edu/lab-members/sangita-dandekar/planarsims/</a><br>
<br><br>The simulation just consisted of pointing dipoles along the major axes and getting planar approximations for every dipole orientation. The output images are at the above link.<br><br>Also pasted below are changes to segments of the combineplanar and
planarchannelset functions that I made for the yokogawa system. (The
only change that I ended up making in the original megplanar.m function
was to comment out the <br>
code that causes an error if the input data is from an MEG system other than the supported ones)<br><br>The original grad struct that I am using the for the unmodified axial gradiometer data for the yokogawa system looks like this:<br>
<br>ftdata.grad<br><br>ans = <br><br> pnt: [314x3 double]<br> ori: [314x3 double]<br> tra: [157x314 double]<br> label: {157x1 cell}<br> unit: 'cm'<br><br>The
hope is that I can use the megplanar code (probably using the 'sincos'
method) to get the planar gradient approximation, then apply
freqanalysis to the horizontal and vertical components separately, and
then finally recombine/sum the vertical and horizontal components using
combineplanar. Any advice would be appreciated.<br><br>Thanks in advance for any help!<br>Sangita Dandekar<br><br>%*******Simulation code to produce axial and planar x, y, and z images as shown at link above <br><br>cfg.grad=ftdata.grad<br>
cfg.dip.pos=[ftdata.grad.pnt(57,1) ftdata.grad.pnt(57, 2) ftdata.grad.pnt(57,3)-5]; %5 cm below lower coil of gradiometer 57<br><div>
cfg.dip.mom=[0 1 0]; %also varied to point along x ([1 0 0]) and z ([0 0 1])<br>cfg.vol.r=10;<br>cfg.vol.o=[mean(ftdata.grad.pnt(:,1)) mean(ftdata.grad.pnt(:,2)) mean(ftdata.grad.pnt(:,3))]<br>cfg.dip.signal=[ 1 1 1 ];<br>
data=dipolesimulation(cfg);<br>%get planar approximation:<br>cfg=[];<br>cfg.planarmethod='sincos';<br>cfg.channel=ftdata.grad.label;<br>[interp]=megplanar_yokogawa(cfg, data)<br>%recombine horizontal and vertical components:<br>
[interpcomb]=combineplanar_yokogawa(cfg, interp)<br><br>figure;<br>cfgplot=[];<br>cfgplot.electrodes='numbers';<br>avg=timelockanalysis(cfgplot, interpcomb); %plot planar approximation<br>topoplotER(cfgplot, avg)<br>
<br><br>figure<br>avg=timelockanalysis(cfgplot, data);<br>
topoplotER(cfgplot, avg)<br>avg=timelockanalysis(cfgplot, data); %plot original axial gradiometer output<br>topoplotER(cfgplot, avg)<br><br><br>%*****************CHANGES TO COMBINEPLANAR (combineplanar_yokogawa.m):<br><br>
<br>if strcmp(cfg.combinegrad, 'no') && ~isfield(data, 'grad')<br>
% the planar gradiometer definition was already removed<br> % nothing needs to be done here<br>elseif strcmp(cfg.combinegrad, 'no') && isfield(data, 'grad')<br> % remove the planar gradiometer definition since it does not match the data any more<br>
data = rmfield(data, 'grad');<br>elseif strcmp(cfg.combinegrad, 'yes') && ~isfield(data, 'grad')<br> % there is no gradiometer definition, impossible to reconstruct it<br> error('the planar gradiometer definition is missing, cannot convert it back to axial');<br>
elseif strcmp(cfg.combinegrad, 'yes') && isfield(data, 'grad')<br> warning('trying to convert planar to axial gradiometers, this is experimental');<br> % try to reconstruct the original axial gradiometer array from the planar gradiometer definition<br>
orig = data.grad<br> <br> if all(size(orig.pnt)==[314 3]) && ...<br> all(size(orig.pnt)==[314 3]) && ...<br> all(size(orig.tra)==[314 314]) && ...<br> length(orig.label)==314 && ...<br>
all(sum(orig.tra~=0,1)>2)<br> % This looks as if it was made using the MEGPLANAR nearest neighbour approach<br> % which means that the coil position and orientation still correspond<br> % with those of the original axial gradiometer. Only the label and tra<br>
% have been modified and have to be restored to their original values.<br> axial.pnt = orig.pnt;<br> axial.ori = orig.ori;<br> for i=1:157<br> axial.label{i} = orig.label{i}(1:(end-3));<br> end<br> if all(orig.ori(1,:)==orig.ori(158,:))<br>
% orientation is the same, the subtraction should be in "tra"<br> axial.tra = [eye(157) -eye(157)];<br> else<br> % orientation is opposite, the subtraction should not be in "tra"<br>
axial.tra = [eye(157) eye(157)];<br> end<br> try<br> axial.unit = orig.unit;<br> end<br> else<br> error('cannot convert gradiometer definition back to axial, please contact Robert');<br> end<br>
data.grad = axial;<br>end<br><br><br><br>%*****************CHANGES TO PLANARCHANNELSET %(planarchannelset_yokogawa.m):**<br><br><br>case 'meg'<br> <br> planar={<br> '1_dH' '1_dV' '1'<br>
'2_dH' '2_dV' '2'<br> '3_dH' '3_dV' '3'<br> '4_dH' '4_dV' '4'<br> '5_dH' '5_dV' '5'<br>
'6_dH' '6_dV' '6'<br> '7_dH' '7_dV' '7'<br> '8_dH' '8_dV' '8'<br> '9_dH' '9_dV' '9'<br>
'10_dH' '10_dV' '10'<br> '11_dH' '11_dV' '11'<br> '12_dH' '12_dV' '12'<br> '13_dH' '13_dV' '13'<br>
'14_dH' '14_dV' '14'<br> '15_dH' '15_dV' '15'<br> '16_dH' '16_dV' '16'<br> '17_dH' '17_dV' '17'<br>
'18_dH' '18_dV' '18'<br> '19_dH' '19_dV' '19'<br> '20_dH' '20_dV' '20'<br> '21_dH' '21_dV' '21'<br>
'22_dH' '22_dV' '22'<br> '23_dH' '23_dV' '23'<br> '24_dH' '24_dV' '24'<br> '25_dH' '25_dV' '25'<br>
'26_dH' '26_dV' '26'<br> '27_dH' '27_dV' '27'<br> '28_dH' '28_dV' '28'<br> '29_dH' '29_dV' '29'<br>
'30_dH' '30_dV' '30'<br> '31_dH' '31_dV' '31'<br> '32_dH' '32_dV' '32'<br> '33_dH' '33_dV' '33'<br>
'34_dH' '34_dV' '34'<br> '35_dH' '35_dV' '35'<br> '36_dH' '36_dV' '36'<br> '37_dH' '37_dV' '37'<br>
'38_dH' '38_dV' '38'<br> '39_dH' '39_dV' '39'<br> '40_dH' '40_dV' '40'<br> '41_dH' '41_dV' '41'<br>
'42_dH' '42_dV' '42'<br> '43_dH' '43_dV' '43'<br> '44_dH' '44_dV' '44'<br> '45_dH' '45_dV' '45'<br>
'46_dH' '46_dV' '46'<br> '47_dH' '47_dV' '47'<br> '48_dH' '48_dV' '48'<br> '49_dH' '49_dV' '49'<br>
'50_dH' '50_dV' '50'<br> '51_dH' '51_dV' '51'<br> '52_dH' '52_dV' '52'<br> '53_dH' '53_dV' '53'<br>
'54_dH' '54_dV' '54'<br> '55_dH' '55_dV' '55'<br> '56_dH' '56_dV' '56'<br> '57_dH' '57_dV' '57'<br>
'58_dH' '58_dV' '58'<br> '59_dH' '59_dV' '59'<br> '60_dH' '60_dV' '60'<br> '61_dH' '61_dV' '61'<br>
'62_dH' '62_dV' '62'<br> '63_dH' '63_dV' '63'<br> '64_dH' '64_dV' '64'<br> '65_dH' '65_dV' '65'<br>
'66_dH' '66_dV' '66'<br> '67_dH' '67_dV' '67'<br> '68_dH' '68_dV' '68'<br> '69_dH' '69_dV' '69'<br>
'70_dH' '70_dV' '70'<br> '71_dH' '71_dV' '71'<br> '72_dH' '72_dV' '72'<br> '73_dH' '73_dV' '73'<br>
'74_dH' '74_dV' '74'<br> '75_dH' '75_dV' '75'<br> '76_dH' '76_dV' '76'<br> '77_dH' '77_dV' '77'<br>
'78_dH' '78_dV' '78'<br> '79_dH' '79_dV' '79'<br> '80_dH' '80_dV' '80'<br> '81_dH' '81_dV' '81'<br>
'82_dH' '82_dV' '82'<br> '83_dH' '83_dV' '83'<br> '84_dH' '84_dV' '84'<br> '85_dH' '85_dV' '85'<br>
'86_dH' '86_dV' '86'<br> '87_dH' '87_dV' '87'<br> '88_dH' '88_dV' '88'<br> '89_dH' '89_dV' '89'<br>
'90_dH' '90_dV' '90'<br> '91_dH' '91_dV' '91'<br> '92_dH' '92_dV' '92'<br> '93_dH' '93_dV' '93'<br>
'94_dH' '94_dV' '94'<br> '95_dH' '95_dV' '95'<br> '96_dH' '96_dV' '96'<br> '97_dH' '97_dV' '97'<br>
'98_dH' '98_dV' '98'<br> '99_dH' '99_dV' '99'<br> '100_dH' '100_dV' '100'<br> '101_dH' '101_dV' '101'<br>
'102_dH' '102_dV' '102'<br> '103_dH' '103_dV' '103'<br> '104_dH' '104_dV' '104'<br> '105_dH' '105_dV' '105'<br>
'106_dH' '106_dV' '106'<br> '107_dH' '107_dV' '107'<br> '108_dH' '108_dV' '108'<br> '109_dH' '109_dV' '109'<br>
'110_dH' '110_dV' '110'<br> '111_dH' '111_dV' '111'<br> '112_dH' '112_dV' '112'<br> '113_dH' '113_dV' '113'<br>
'114_dH' '114_dV' '114'<br> '115_dH' '115_dV' '115'<br> '116_dH' '116_dV' '116'<br> '117_dH' '117_dV' '117'<br>
'118_dH' '118_dV' '118'<br> '119_dH' '119_dV' '119'<br> '120_dH' '120_dV' '120'<br> '121_dH' '121_dV' '121'<br>
'122_dH' '122_dV' '122'<br> '123_dH' '123_dV' '123'<br> '124_dH' '124_dV' '124'<br> '125_dH' '125_dV' '125'<br>
'126_dH' '126_dV' '126'<br> '127_dH' '127_dV' '127'<br> '128_dH' '128_dV' '128'<br> '129_dH' '129_dV' '129'<br>
'130_dH' '130_dV' '130'<br> '131_dH' '131_dV' '131'<br> '132_dH' '132_dV' '132'<br> '133_dH' '133_dV' '133'<br>
'134_dH' '134_dV' '134'<br> '135_dH' '135_dV' '135'<br> '136_dH' '136_dV' '136'<br> '137_dH' '137_dV' '137'<br>
'138_dH' '138_dV' '138'<br> '139_dH' '139_dV' '139'<br> '140_dH' '140_dV' '140'<br> '141_dH' '141_dV' '141'<br>
'142_dH' '142_dV' '142'<br> '143_dH' '143_dV' '143'<br> '144_dH' '144_dV' '144'<br> '145_dH' '145_dV' '145'<br>
'146_dH' '146_dV' '146'<br> '147_dH' '147_dV' '147'<br> '148_dH' '148_dV' '148'<br> '149_dH' '149_dV' '149'<br>
'150_dH' '150_dV' '150'<br> '151_dH' '151_dV' '151'<br> '152_dH' '152_dV' '152'<br> '153_dH' '153_dV' '153'<br>
'154_dH' '154_dV' '154'<br> '155_dH' '155_dV' '155'<br> '156_dH' '156_dV' '156'<br> '157_dH' '157_dV' '157'<br>
<br> <br> };<br> </div>
<p>The aim of this list is to facilitate the discussion between users of the FieldTrip toolbox, to share experiences and to discuss new ideas for MEG and EEG analysis.</p>
<p> http://listserv.surfnet.nl/archives/fieldtrip.html</p>
<p> http://www.ru.nl/fcdonders/fieldtrip/</p>