<div>Dear Fieldtrippers,<br><br>I have some trouble using 'timelockstatistics' for task vs baseline comparisons (the code I'm using is pasted below).<br><br></div>
<div>In the output of timelockstatistics, I get only one (!) time sample (prob, stat, mask: 266 (channels) x 1 (time)), even if I specify the parameter cfg.latency (e.g. [0 0.2]). However, when I plot the statistics afterwards, it is possible to plot the whole time window I specified in cfg.latency - even though the topography seems to be the same for each time bin...<br>
<br>The steps I do before computing timelockstatistics are the following:<br>1) Compute timelockanalyis separately for the task (cfg.latency = [0.05 0.4]) and the baseline (cfg.latency = [-0.4 -0.5]) separately<br>2) Compute timelockgrandaverage for task and baseline<br>
3) Use the code below to compute timelockstatistics<br><br>Can anybody help me with this issue? <br>I would be very glad about any suggestions on what is going wrong here!!<br><br>Best<br>Christine<br><br><br>cfg = [];<br>
cfg.grad = timelockUprightTask{1}.grad;<br>cfg.channel = {'MEG', '-MLP12', '-MRC14', '-MLT41', '-MRC25', '-MRP56', '-MRT21', '-ML021', '-MRO44', '-MRT47'};<br>
cfg.statistic = 'actvsblT';<br>cfg.clusterthreshold = 'parametric';<br>cfg.clusteralpha = 0.05;<br>cfg.alpha = 0.05;<br>cfg.makeclusters = 'yes';<br>cfg.minnbchan = 3;<br>cfg.parameter = 'individual';<br>
cfg.clusterstatistic = 'maxsum';<br>cfg.onetwo = 'twosided';<br>cfg.method = 'montecarlo';<br>cfg.correctm = 'cluster';<br>cfg.numrandomization = 1000;<br>cfg.latency = [0 0.2];<br>nSubjects = length(filesUprightTask);<br>
a = [1:nSubjects];<br>b = ones(1,nSubjects);<br>cfg.design = [a a; b (2*b)];<br>cfg.uvar = 1;<br>cfg.ivar = 2;<br>timelockstat = timelockstatistics(cfg,timelockUprightTaskGA,timelockUprightBaseGA);<br></div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>
<div><br>-- <br>Christine Gruetzner, geb.Tillmann<br>Max-Planck-Institut für Hirnforschung<br>Abt. Neurophysiologie<br>Deutschordenstr. 46<br>60528 Frankfurt am Main<br>Germany<br><br>Phone: +49 (0)69/6301-83225<br>E-Mail: <a href="mailto:tillmann@mpih-frankfurt.mpg.de" target="_blank">tillmann@mpih-frankfurt.mpg.de</a><br>
<a href="http://www.mpih-frankfurt.mpg.de/global/Np/Staff/tillmann.htm" target="_blank">http://www.mpih-frankfurt.mpg.de/global/Np/Staff/tillmann.htm</a><br><br><br></div></div>
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