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<pre>Dear fieldtrip users,<br> <br>I am running sourceanalysis for different subjects. In 18 of 20<br>sujbects everything works out, however for 2 subjects in particular I<br>am getting the following error message:<br> <br> <br>???Error using==>fieldtrip-20081208/private/prepare_freq_matrices at201<br> <br> The cross-spectral-density matrix is not complete<br> <br>Error in==>sourceanalysis at 723<br> [Cf, Cr, Pr, Ntrials , cfg] = prepare_freq_matrices(cfg, data);<br> <br>Error in==>computeLead fields at 105<br> [pressource]= sourceanalysis(cfg,preTFdata);<br> <br>I checked the Cf matrix and found out that it contains 2 NaN entries. Does anyone have an idea what this could possibly be related to or what<br>I should check my data for? I used exactly the same parameters as for all the other subjects.<br> <br>Best,<br> <br>Frederic </pre><br /><hr />Brand neu: Top Videos auf MSN ClipClub! Schau Dir die besten Playlists an <a href='http://redirect.gimas.net/?n=M0902ClipClub' target='_new'>>> Play now!</a></body>
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