I just downloaded the Fieldtrip program to use it for my thesis as
biomedical engineering, and I'm now trying to use it on a .eeg-file, which
causes some problems for me.
I have created the directory Ken_data.ds where I have the file
I use the following configuration (taken from the tutorial and previous
answers from this forum):
cfg3 = [];
cfg3.dataset = 'Ken_test.ds';
cfg3.trialdef.includeTrigger = 3;
cfg3.trialdef.excludeConditions = {'BAD'};
cfg3.blc = 'yes';
cfg3.blcwindow = [-0.2 0];
cfg3.lpfilter = 'yes';
cfg3.lpfreq = 35;
cfg3.padding = 0;
cfg3.datafile = 'Ken_test.eeg';
cfg3.headerfile = 'Ken_test.eeg';
cfg3.channel = 'all';
I then call the preprocessing function:
dataFIC = preprocessing(cfg3);
Unfortunately I get the following errors:
Warning: could not determine filetype of Ken_test.ds\Ken_test.meg4
> In fieldtrip-20060306\private\filetype at 524
In definetrial at 109
In preprocessing at 270
evaluating trialfunction 'trialfun_ctf_epoched'
??? Error using ==> fieldtrip-20060306\private\read_ctf_meg4
could not open datafile
Which I guess means that I haven't used the correct configuration, since
the program is searching for a .meg4-file.
I hope someone can help me by giving the correct configuration when
working on .eeg-files :o).
Thanks in advance.
Carina Graversen
Aalborg University, Denmark