[FieldTrip] could not determine dimord of "design"

Heizi Fusen fusenheizi at gmail.com
Mon Jan 15 15:15:15 CET 2024

Hi  Jan-Mathijs,

Thank you for your reply!

The reason why I am worried about this comes from two factors.

The first reason is that I have already specified the order of dimords in
cfg as "rpt_chan_freq_time". Normally, it should capture the first
dimension of powspctrm as the rpt and use the last two dimensions of
powspctrm as the frequency and time dimensions. As stated in this tutorial (
https://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/development/datastructure/). However, the
warning prompt fieldtrip did not achieve it.

The second reason is that the warning occurs in the 'getdimord.m' function (
Lines 734-739 explain a situation where this warning can lead to errors in
statistical results:

If~exist ('dimord ',' var ')

%This should not happen

%If it does, it might help in diagnosis to have a very informative warning

%Since there have been problems with trials not being selected correctly
due to the warning going unnoticed

%It is better to throw an error than a warning warning_ Dimord_ Could_ Not_
Be_ Determined (field, data);

I think this may be a bug in the fieldtrip function?

Best wishes,
Jay Lin
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