[FieldTrip] Postdoc position at the CIMeC, University of Trento

Christoph Huber-Huber christoph at huber-huber.at
Thu Sep 28 19:39:18 CEST 2023

Hi all,

I have a postdoc position to fill, please see below!


The call is open for a postdoc position in the emerging Enactive Brain Lab with Christoph Huber-Huber to work on the neural basis of the temporal structure of naturalistic gaze behaviour, at the Centre for Mind/Brain Research (CIMeC), University of Trento, Italy. The project draws upon some ideas from predictive processing/predictive coding and might have implications for theories about conscious visual perception.

The perfect candidate has experience with collecting and analysing MEG or EEG data in combination with eye-tracking (aka MEG/EEG and eye-tracking coregistration), in gaze-contingent experimental designs. However, if your experience so far extends across only one of these three methods (MEG, EEG, eye-tracking) and you are eager to learn, you are very much welcome to apply! A good command of advanced frequentist and Bayesian statistics (multilevel/mixed modelling) as well as decoding methods will be a strong plus. The preferred programming language for this project is Python but experience with Matlab or R will also be recognised.

The position is for 1+1 years with a preferred starting date before Dec 19, 2023. A later start would be possible for very good reasons.

The Centre for Mind/Brain Research (CIMeC) at the University of Trento is a fantastic research environment, recently ranked as the leading institution for Cognitive Neuroscience in Italy. It has state-of-the art imaging facilities (a 306-channel Elekta MEG system, a 3T Siemens Trio fMRI scanner, several EEG systems, all integrated with Eyelink eye-trackers and set up for coregistration). Large parts of the centre are located in Rovereto, a smaller town easy to reach from Trento by train (15 min). The official language at the centre is English.

Moreover, the Trentino region offers a very high quality of life. It is the perfect surrounding for nature-loving people (Dolomites, Lake Garda, etc.), the weather is beautiful, and the food is delicious.

To apply follow this link https://lavoraconnoi.unitn.it/assegni-di-ricerca/centro-interdipartimentale-mente-cervello-cimec-avviso-di-selezione-il-conferimento-di-un-assegno-7 <https://lavoraconnoi.unitn.it/assegni-di-ricerca/centro-interdipartimentale-mente-cervello-cimec-avviso-di-selezione-il-conferimento-di-un-assegno-7>

If you have any questions about the position, don’t hesitate to get in touch with me directly (christoph at huber-huber.at <mailto:christoph at huber-huber.at>)!

Dr. Christoph Huber-Huber
Researcher / Assistent Professor (RTD-A)
Enactive Brain Lab
Center for Mind/Brain Sciences (CIMeC)
University of Trento
Corso Bettini 31
38068 Rovereto (TN), Italy

e-mail: christoph.huberhuber at unitn.it
web: http://christoph.huber-huber.at

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