[FieldTrip] Marker in the EEG raw data

Nazmiye Kurdoglu Turhan nazmiye at mail.uni-paderborn.de
Fri Oct 27 11:57:58 CEST 2023

Dear community,

I am a master's student at Paderborn University and doing my internship 
at Münster University. I have resting state EEG data, and normally there 
is a marker which shows the beginning of the fixation point in the raw 
data. However, it is not visible on FieldTrip even though I loaded the 
eeg, vhdr and vmrk files. I checked the vmrk file on Matlab and can see 
the marker information there. I also checked the data on eeglab to be 
sure there is a marker, and there is. How can I make the marker visible 
in FieldTrip?

Excuse my question if it is too easy; I am pretty new to FieldTrip. 
Thank you very much in advance.

Nazmiye Kurdoglu Turhan

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