[FieldTrip] ft_multiplotER() Generates No Plot

Schoffelen, J.M. (Jan Mathijs) janmathijs.schoffelen at donders.ru.nl
Thu May 18 07:48:43 CEST 2023

Hi Samuel,

>From your question it is not clear in detail what you exactly try to achieve, but perhaps you want to look into the consistency of the naming of the channels in your data w.r.t. the channel names in the lay. These should match, before anything an be visualized.

Good luck,

On 17 May 2023, at 20:39, u3564255--- via fieldtrip <fieldtrip at science.ru.nl<mailto:fieldtrip at science.ru.nl>> wrote:


I would like to consult you on a problem with ft_multiplotER().

I have been trying to visualize data at all channels with ft_multiplotER() but no plots are shown after running it. I do see a figure image though but see no error message in the command window.

I wonder whether it has something to do with my layout object. However, it seems to be okay because topographs show electrodes in the form of some black dots and also when I run the code right below, I can see the channel labels correctly located some their corresponding scalp regions.

>>> cfg = []; cfg.layout = lay;
>>> cfg.layout = ft_prepare_layout(cfg);
>>> figure; ft_plot_layout(cfg.layout);

As the default layout file for the cap that I use is not available in the repository, I wrote some code to create my layout variable which is shown as below:

>>> lay.label = {'FP1'; 'FP2'; 'F11'; 'F7'; 'F3'; 'FZ'; 'F4'; 'F8'; 'F12'; 'FT11'; 'FC3'; 'FCZ'; 'FC4'; 'FT12'; 'T7'; 'C3'; 'CZ'; 'C4'; 'T8'; 'CP3'; 'CPZ'; 'CP4'; 'M1'; 'M2'; 'P7'; 'P3'; 'PZ'; 'P4'; 'P8'; 'O1'; 'OZ'; 'O2';};
>>> lay.pos = [-29.00 104.54; 30.00 104.65; -74.00 46.77; -70.00 61.89; -52.00 76.78; 2.00 88.73; 53.00 78.65; 70.00 61.25; 74.00 44.49; -80.00 18.56; -62.00 47.61; 3.00 57.27; 63.00 48.37; 79.00 16.39; -84.00 3.52; -69.00 14.76; 3.00 22.03; 69.00 15.76; 84.00 3.98; -67.00 -22.98; 3.00 -17.82; 67.00 -19.01; -76.00 -41.25; 77.00 -38.46; -73.00 -54.51; -56.00 -55.16; 2.00 -52.91; 56.00 -53.17; 72.00 -52.17; -29.00 -91.85; 1.00 -94.02; 30.00 -90.75];
>>> lay.height = [0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235; 0.0316604880858235];
>>> lay.width = [0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010; 0.0460317976122010];

The resulting variable seems to be identical to how a layout variable should look like:
https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/tutorial/layout/__;!!HJOPV4FYYWzcc1jazlU!7QUO1sRwDEfWq5j01Udrl8kIv7_cgz90nVykA0CrjtEuVub_VeT0ZYWFd1mWDtcv_g01XPkSXY8fT28gai37VhVXGLpr1axYjkQJRw$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/tutorial/layout/__;!!HJOPV4FYYWzcc1jazlU!9PYaDvhUZMP15YVGWehImlViFAdYZ6DWO_ZfYKh6a-p7cCCRXUWaF5b_BKpuIppXQC_g8hsgR3W90xksEYNS0Qt4-sM-$>

I sincerely hope that someone could help me with this issue. Thank you so much in advance!

Best regards,

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