[FieldTrip] Dipole Orientation

Giulia Ricci giulia.ricci29 at unibo.it
Mon Dec 11 10:40:01 CET 2023

Hello Fieldtrip Community,

I am currently working on extracting time series belonging to brain ROIs, and I am specifically interested in defining source orientations in the cortex.

At the moment, I'm using the svd function to obtain, for each source, the orientation that explains the maximum variance of the dipole's signals. However, in addition to this method, I would like to explore the results obtained by constraining each source, orienting it perpendicularly to the cortex.

I am reaching out to ask whether FieldTrip provides a function for modeling dipole orientation perpendicularly to the cortex surface or if there are any suggestions within the community for achieving this goal.

Additionally, I am curious if there is a FieldTrip function for plotting or checking the resulting dipoles' orientation.

Thank you in advance.

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