[FieldTrip] Question about dataformat when using cluster based permutation testing on time-frequency data

Knut-André Skaug k.a.skaug at psykologi.uio.no
Mon Dec 4 10:21:38 CET 2023


Thank you for providing this toolbox.

My question pertains to the data format in order to run permutation testing on time-frequency data in source space.

Because I have already extracted the time-frequency data matrix I wish to continue with the function ft_freqanalysis to run cluster-corrected permutation testing.

The time-frequency data matrix have dimensions: Frequency x Time x Trials.
Thus, there are no channels in this matrix.
I've tried to set the data structure to be:
G.dimord = 'freq_time_rpt';
G.powspctrm = tf_datamatrix;
G.freq = frex;

But this returns an error message when following the tutorial on cluster-based permutation testing - between trials - both on event-related fields and time-frequency data.

How can I carry out cluster-based permutation testing on my two time-frequency matrices, Condition A and Condition B?

Kind regards

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