[FieldTrip] ft_sourcegrandaverage and sources varying in field inside

Mazzetti, C. (Cecilia) c.mazzetti at donders.ru.nl
Mon Oct 19 11:46:03 CEST 2020

Hello everyone,

Is it 'normal' that, when averaging sources (different conditions, or different subjects) I often get:

'the input sources vary in the field inside '

I do interpolate all subjects with same template... is this something to do with the channels (i.e., some conditions/subjects have missing data for one channels while others not?).

Is it ok to fix the issue by just assigning the same source.inside values from one condition to all to make them the same?

Thanks so much in advance!

All the best,

Cecilia Mazzetti, Postdoc Researcher
Department of Basic Neurosciences
University of Geneva
Chemin des Mines 9,
1202 Genève, Switzerland

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