[FieldTrip] LCMV beamformer for resting-state data: Which covariance matrix?

Alessandra Griffa alessandra.griffa at gmail.com
Sat Mar 28 16:10:12 CET 2020

Dear FieldTrip Experts,

I would like to perform source reconstruction of resting-state MEG data
(splitted in multiple epochs or trials) using the LCMV beamformer approach.

I am not sure about how I should compute the covariance matrix.
All FildTrip tutorials refer to the function ft_timelockanalysis, which in
my case will compute the average time series across trials and then the
covariance matrix from the averaged time series.
This does not sound correct to me: should I rather concatenate all my
trials, and let ft_timelockanalysis compute the covariance matrix on the
concatenated data?
Or, how could I 'trick' the data.trialinfo variable so that
ft_timelockanalysis correctly interpret my data as resting-state?

Thank you very much for your help!
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