[FieldTrip] noisecov for cfg.projectmom

Philip Cho pnc9 at georgetown.edu
Wed Dec 2 21:42:31 CET 2020

Hi FieldTrip community,

I am new to Fieldtrip and MEG analysis in general, so please excuse me if
this question is rather elementary. I am currently using ft_sourcemovie,
and from various email discussions and FieldTrip tutorials, I've gathered
that it's customary to project dipole orientations along the first
PCA-axis. I've attempted to do this by setting cfg.projectmom = 'yes' in
ft_sourcedescriptives, but in doing this, I receive a warning saying that
the dimord of "noisecov" cannot be determined when subsequently running
ft_sourcemovie. Is this warning something that I should be concerned about?
Regardless of whether cfg.projectmom is 'yes' or 'no', sd.avg.noisecov is
the same -- namely a 1x8196 cell  array with 3x3 matrices in each cell. I'm
curious as to whether I need to adjust noisecov in any way to run
ft_sourcemovie with projected dipoles. Please let me know if any advice can
be provided. Thank you!

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