[FieldTrip] plotting issue- linestyle

Jac Billington J.Billington at leeds.ac.uk
Fri Aug 30 12:54:41 CEST 2019

Updating issue for future info as I know others had same issue. Specific bug with 20181101.  Definitely fixed with 20190828 version.

Thank you for the help.

Dr Jac Billington
Associate Professor in Perceptual Neuroscience
School of Psychology, Rm G.06A
University of Leeds
Leeds, LS2 9JT
Tel: +44(0)113 343 6686

From: fieldtrip <fieldtrip-bounces at science.ru.nl> on behalf of Stephen Whitmarsh <stephen.whitmarsh at gmail.com>
Sent: 22 August 2019 10:03
To: FieldTrip discussion list <fieldtrip at science.ru.nl>
Subject: Re: [FieldTrip] plotting issue- linestyle

Dear Jac,

It does sound like a bug, but it's hard to verify without some data to reproduce it. I've not had any issues with plotting different lines/colors myself in the past, but it's been a while.

You can report it as a bug at: http://www.fieldtriptoolbox.org/bugzilla/

Make sure to make it reproducible by including a TINY piece of data enough to reproduce the problem. You can use ft_selectdata e.g. to only select some timepoints/channels. In your case, you should also be able to reproduce the bug using the same datastructure 6 times as input.


Op wo 21 aug. 2019 om 14:25 schreef Jac Billington <J.Billington at leeds.ac.uk<mailto:J.Billington at leeds.ac.uk>>:
Dear users,

Apologies if I'm misusing the cfg parameters but I'm running into issues with plotting and can't find any examples/ thinking this may be a bug.

I'm using both single and multiplot with the code below. My linestyle is always the 6th style with no error.  From going through the multiplot code the line:

 ft_plot_vector(xval, yval, 'width', chanWidth(m), 'height', chanHeight(m), 'hpos', chanX(m), 'vpos', chanY(m), 'hlim', [xmin xmax], 'vlim', [ymin ymax], 'color', graphcolor, 'style', cfg.linestyle{i}, 'linewidth', cfg.linewidth, 'axis', cfg.axes, 'highlight', mask, 'highlightstyle', cfg.maskstyle);

... is only called when i=6, i.e. the last data set. So the output makes sense, but I'm wondering how to change the lines of my plot to be two distinct styles. I cannot seem to adapt these .Children properties in matlab at a later point either.

Many thanks in advance.

Best, Jac

        cfg.layout = 'biosemi64.lay';
        cfg.center = 'no'
        layout = ft_prepare_layout(cfg);
        cfg = [];
        cfg.parameter     = 'avg';
        cfg.channel       = 'all';
        cfg.baseline      = 'no' ;
        cfg.trials        = 'all' ;
        cfg.axes          = 'yes';
        cfg.box           = 'no';
        cfg.showlabels    = 'no' ;
        cfg.showoutline   = 'no';
        cfg.showscale     = 'yes';
        cfg.showcomment   = 'yes' ;
        cfg.interactive   = 'yes' ;
        cfg.graphcolor = 'rgbrgb';
        cfg.layout = layout;
        ft_multiplotER(cfg, erp1{3}, erp1{4}, erp2{3}, erp2{4},erp3{3}, erp3{4})

Dr Jac Billington

Associate Professor in Perceptual Neuroscience

School of Psychology, Rm G.06A

University of Leeds

Leeds, LS2 9JT

Tel: +44(0)113 343 6686

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